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NB:All pics were used with the kind permission of eveyone on this page :-)
Story by by insane and vib and soon to come from juky!!


4.45am Friday March 3rd. 2000...the journey begins!

Next time I go to Octs for a visit, I’m going to catch a later flight, fucking hell, this is way to early to be up and catching a bus. 2 hours on a bus, 90 minutes on a plane, lost an hour somewhere over the state line, and I arrive in Brisbane at 8.45am.
While on the plane, I sat next to a guy with a lap top, I had to refrain from hitting him over the head, taking control of his computer, plugging the modem into my mobile and going into chat. OMG does this mean I am really addicted????
Oct meets me at the arrival gate, with yet again a new hair colour, but at least I know what she looks like now.

New hair colour Oct.LOL did we get to see the old colour??
Heard it was blonde!
On the way back to Octs place, we have to shop for the party that night, we hit Coles, do the shopping, and as we reach the checkout, I innocently asked Oct if they have EPTPOS at Coles in Queensland, apparently, Queensland isn’t the end of the earth and are really quite up on technology. Oct couldn’t believe my question was a serious one. Next on the list is of course alcohol, CG, Vib, Toos, Oct and me, of course we have to have plenty to drink. We decide not to drink QF’s, choosing Mind Erasers instead. This is a shooter, combining Vodka, Kahlua and Soda. Neither of us have tried one before, we just hope they will be nice. We choose a healthy dinner………, and get ready to meet Vib, Toos and CG. Vib and CG arrive first, with the amount of alcohol they brought, it looks like they just held up a bottle shop. I volunteer to help Vib get the rest of their stuff out of the car. She hands me Coke and bottles of spirits, I think they had planned a serious night of drinking. At the back of Vibs car, under the empty boxes were 10 carrots in a bag. Hmmm, that made me curious, I had to ask why they were there. She looked embarrassed and then said they were left there from shopping, but why did she look embarrassed????????? I suspect ulterior motives for those carrots. Hehehe Just had to say it Vib.

Vib ....hmmmmmm why's she smiling...carrots??? please explain!
We decide not to wait for Toos to arrive and start the night of serious partying. Toos, finally arrives about 8pm, informs us she hasn’t changed or showered, and sits down ready to do some serious drinking.(note from Toos...I DID GET CHANGED) CG makes the shooters, Cock Sucking Cowboys (nice name for a drink huh), I make the Mind Erasers (omg what a powerful drink, it certainly lives up to the name.) We turn up the music, sit and chat getting more and more drunk, the table now completely littered with empty bottles, chip packets, overflowing ashtray and shot glasses. We go into chat for a while and confuse everyone as to who is actually doing the typing. We spend the night getting to know each other, chatting about anything and everything, and having a great time. We never knew until the later in the night that Vib had never been drunk before, and could she have picked a better bunch to try out this new experience with, I think not. She did fall asleep in her chair at one stage, but when we woke her up and told her to go and crash, she decided to go for another round or three of drinks with us. Eventually it all got too much for her, and she passed out. Cg had us all rolling on the floor with her stories and actions, for those that have never met CG and are Aussie, think Kylie Mole from Comedy Company, minus the chewing gum. Toos shared some great stories with us, and kept us laughing all night. We all shared funny stories and serious ones as well. Considering I had not met them until that night, I was surprised how comfortable I felt I their company. It was like we had known each other for years.
At some stage during the night, I think it was after several hours drinking, Toos hit chat in the name we had made for the night which included all our names. She found herself an unsuspecting Indian guy, and spent a lot of time playing with his mind, and from what she was telling us, I think there might have been a bit of cybering too. Hmmmmmmmm I wonder who she said she was when she was doing that lol, guess we will find out when we get back to chat in our own names, and find out we have a new Indian friend. As Gyps couldn’t make it over to Queensland, she decided to ring the drunks at 10pm. We all had a chat on the phone, what we chatted about, I have no idea, but it was good to hear from her. With the night well under way, the bets were being laid in chat as to who would be the first to puke. Not surprisingly, I was voted as most likely to be first, geez, do something once and they never let you forget it lol. Even Vib had better odds than me, and remember, she’s never been drunk before. Fig decides to make a bet with Oct, if Vib pukes, Oct has to pay up $50. Poor Figgy, Vib passes out without puking, and Oct has the mafia tracking him down as we speak trying to get her winnings out of him. Too much alcohol, lots of good music, someone had to make idiots of themselves, and CG and Toos, are the ones to do it. They decide to dance around Octs dining room, and CG is a bit miffed she gets to play the part of the guy lol. Got pics to prove this one happened...

Who's freakin' toes are they?

Dancing Queens??? OMG shocker of pics but you can see we had fun..and ya gotta wonder how Toos got her groove back???
Toos, Oct, Cg and I feel the need to make our presence known to Oct’s neighbours, and venture outside, you have to feel sorry for the neighbours, it’s 2am. We sit staring at the stars, pretending we all know the constellations, and chat some more. 2.45am, I’ve had too much to drink, and decide to pike out for the night, leaving CG, Oct and Toos, to carry on. I have to commend CG on her disappearing act, they all came inside and sat back in the dining room, CG goes to the bathroom and decide she can’t stay awake any longer, but how can she sneak back past Oct and Toos, to get to her bed. They never saw CG go past them, and was about 30 minutes later they noticed her missing, only to find her snoring happily on the lounge. When questioned about how she got past Oct and Toos the next morning, she has no idea how she did it. Did she climb out the bathroom window, walk around to the front door and in that way, or was it commando style across the kitchen floor, under the dining room table where they were sitting and out to the loungeroom??? Or did she simply teleport her body from one room to the other?? Next time I see her, I for one am going to watch how she does it. Toos, and Oct stay up until 4.15am before they finally crash as well. 5.45am, I wake up, and I need a drink, and no not the alcoholic kind, I walk out and listen to the snoring of Oct, CG Vib and Toos, and wow, are they loud. I survey the mess we had created last night, decide it’s way too early to be up, and I go back to bed. 8am, Oct and Toos are up and at em in the kitchen, making the cuppas and looking way too cheerful for my liking. Oct insists on singing at this hour of the morning. I keep my reputation for being a grump before 11am, and nicely tell her to shut up. 10 minutes later, Vib emerges from the loungeroom, and informs Oct her kids may have been seriously damaged for life after she realised Oct’s boys were sitting at the end of her bed, and she had been asleep uncovered and with her arse on view for all to see.. Damn why wasn’t I quick enough to get a bribery pic of that. Toos and Oct had seen she was uncovered and displaying everything she had to offer, and decided not to cover her up. (aren’t they just the nicest people) Toos is getting her early morning chat fix on Oct’s computer, when Levis pops up in ICQ and tells her to go and slap everyone that isn’t awake yet and tell them Levis said to get up. Toos being nice person she is, obliges this wish of Levis.(note from Toos: do I detect a hint of sarcasm there? LOL)

Notice my hand Levis...thats AFTER I slapped her..insane was too slow to take pic of hand to head contact.
With CG being the only one still passed out, we all follow Toos to the loungeroom, take the pic of her slapping CG and telling her Levis said good morning And WAKE UP. CG snorts, rolls over and goes back to sleep. Wow can this girl sleep through anything???? Shall we find out???? All we need is a few props, and a camera. Upon returning to the loungeroom, the first prop was already in place without us having to put it there. Jake, Oct’s 7 year old son has crawled into bed with CG to watch TV. OMG, CG is in bed with a strange man!!!!!!!!!!!!! Have to have a pic of that for bribery later.

LOL she's oblivious to EVERYTHING!
I take the pic and Jake jumps out of bed. I replace Jake with a giant teddy bear, sling the teddy bear’s arm over CG, and take a pic. After seeing the pic today after I had them developed, I hope CG is rich cuz she is going to pay a lot of money for a photo this shocking lmao. Toos has places to go and people to annoy, and bids us a fond fairwell. The night before, CG had offered to cook us all a hangover breakfast a la Dolly and we were all getting hungry.
More waiting…………..
Ok, time to wake CG the Insane way. I go out and yell at her to wake up while continually jumping up and down on the bed. Wooohooooooooo that woke her up. CG finally gets her butt into the kitchen and cooks us breakfast a la Dolly, and I must say, it was yummmmmmmooooooooooooooo. After we had eaten, CG showers and turns from Dr Jeckyl to Mrs Hyde. Vib and CG pack up and are on their way back to Vib’s place. What a fantastic night we had together, lots of laughs, fun, and good times.

Vib,Oct,CG and Insane.
Hugssssssssssssssssssssss oct
Hugsssssssssssssssssssssss toos
Hugsssssssssssssssssssssss vib
Hugsssssssssssssssssssssss cg

The story continues