Oops! I did it Again!

yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah
All: No NO NO NO NO!
I think I did it again
Perry (Britney) I forgot to flush after I barfed up lunch, which consisted of water, carrot sticks and celery!
Robert (Britney) Oh, could you just die? I'll bet I gained a whole 6 grams!

I made you believe we're more than just friends
Roger (Britney) In other words, I'm a cockteaser.

Oh baby
Simon--'Yeah' and 'Baby' seem to be her entire vocabulary.
Jason--Not to put down a good riff, Si, but in that case, how come the song has other words too?
Simon--Her little brother wrote it for her.

might seem like a crush
Roger--I have a crush on Britney. Sixteen tons of steel crush nicely.

But it doesn't mean that I'm serious
Robert--I would be *very* afraid if she ever becomes serious.

'Cause to lose all my senses
That is just so typically me
Jason--How come I *know* this is true?

Oh baby, baby
(All make baby noises)

Oops!...I did it again
Robert (singing own lyrics) Oops! I am a cheap tramp...

I played with your heart, got lost in the game
Simon (doing same) I dress like a tart, shagged my way into fame...

Oh baby, baby
Roger--I'll bet she said that a LOT to get her contract.

Oops!...You think I'm in love
Perry (joining in) Oops! I am a pricktease

That I'm sent from above
I'm not that innocent
Jason--*that* I do believe.

You see my problem is this
Simon--I'm a skanky ho!
Robert--that explains a *lot*.
Simon--Fuck off.

I'm dreaming away
Roger--While this sweaty record exec is grunting on top of me, I'm dreaming away about shagging Justin Timberlake!

Wishing that heroes, they truly exist
Robert--they can't possibly. Otherwise no-talent wenches like this one would *never* get contracts!

Deal with it, pink boy!