Cure Related Links

The Cure's Official Website--This site is very lovely. Though the boys are a bit lazy about updating their personal pages :)Be sure and read the bio.

Deep Green Sea--This place is many gorgeous pictures of the boys! It is this one's humble opinion that Robert and Simon should have a pagan religion dedicated to them :) Sadly, this site is now dead, and it's creator's whereabouts unknown...

halo--a lovely site, I recommend it...

Stiff As Toys And Tall As Men--More Cure info than you can shake a stick at! And a message board, too!

The Ultimate Cure Link file--Run by Braids, this site has more Cure links than you can shake a...oh, never mind...

my small tribute to the cure--harleen's site, very nice--but sadly, it too is dead...

thistlemoon--a very pretty site. play the cure madlibs! Alas, this site, along with Prayers for rain and Hello Image, is in terminal revamp. And unlike this one, it is closed.

Levinhurst--A bit about Levinhurst, Lol Tolhurst's band. If robert and Simon can make up with him, we can forgive him too. Lol's a good guy.

Corrosive--Ang's site dedicated to Teh Roger, aka Roger O'Donnell.

Mystery Science Theater: 3000 Links

Website Number 9--The Biggest honkin' bunch of MiSTings you'll ever see, all on one site!

The MST:3k/Led Zeppelin Connection--Explore the connection between MST:3k and Led Zeppelin! The inspiration for MSCT:3K!

Cyberspace Theater: 3000--A HUGE collection of MST: 3k links! Search engines, sorted by category for your convenience. Have fun!

I know what you're saying...'What? Only THREE MST: 3K links? Trust me--they're all you'll ever need!

Evil Naughty Slash Links

Click Here to subscribe to fiction-records at egroups

Bloodflowers--Yes, it's my own site--also newly revamped for your slashy pleasure. See The Cure as you've only dreamed about.

whispers--she just keeps getting better every time I visit....

fiction records--ahh, the site that started it all...last year it warped my fragile little mind forever...>;)

Writing and Stories

tangerine garden--my inspiration, and a very good friend. delicious, steamy prose...i highly recommend the never-ending jason series >;)

Swansongs--Home of the afformenetioned Fiction Records and Corrosive and so much more...

Oh, the Humanity!--Reviews of truly bad movies and silly stuff galore!

Lexicon--Lexicon is a huge database of Transformers (tm) fanfiction. Some are quite MiST-worthy :) Look for my story, Caesura.

Elfwood's Fantasyhoo--A wonderful HUGE collection of fantasy and sci-fi stories and art. huge story collection, fandoms of all kinds here.

Pen and Sword--A lovely site based in New Zealand, run by a writer who knows his stuff.

Susan Stepneys Home Page--Fun stuff! Amongst essays on sci fi and fantasy writing, you'll find humourous bits like "Klingon Programmer' and 'Things I'd Never do If I Were an Evil Overlord."

Slash Fiction on the Net--Yep, another slash site. Mostly boring (as in Non-Cure) stuff, but fun if you like TV and Movie slash.

Geddon--my mailing list stories are here, under Angry Porcupine, then Oblivion Tales.

H.P. Lovecraft--Kneel in the presence of a Master! Seriously, this man knew how to *write* Makes a lot of modern bestsellers look like hacks.


Mary Sue Whipple's Awesome Webpage--You can't imagine my relief when I discovered that this webpage is intended to be humourous! Mary Sue's stories live up to the name.

Squirrel Fishing--Too cute! Two Harvard students conducted research on squirrel behavior with string and peanuts. You could say that they really put their nuts on the line :)

JStreet Humour archive--Be warned--this place should come with a spew alert! Hilarious essays.

Live Nude Cats--Kitties in the nude...just what it says.

Godawful Fan fiction--Home of many an awful fanfic...source of MiSTing material! fanfic. Great source of MiSTing material.

374 Steven Wright Jokes--What's another word for thesaurus? find out here!

"an alien invasion of links at Menard's!"