The Big Honking Disclaimer

It'd be nice if I didn't have to include this...but we live in a suit happy society.
First of all, everything involving Mystery Science Theater:3000 belongs to Best Brains, Inc. Fortunately for us fans, they are kind enough to allow us to make tapes, have websites, and write stories and MiSTings. Unlike SOME companies ::cough:: Lucasfilm and Paramount ::cough::

I'm not in this to rip anyone off, claim this as my own, yadda yadda yadda. Second, The Cure belong to themselves (though if they ever care to give themselves over to me, I won't stop them!) Third, this is all in good fun, no harm meant to ANY of the authors, songwriters, etc.

As to the slash, The Cure are NOT gay, nor do I think they are. It's fun to write and think about, is all.

Finally, if someone does care to sue me, go for it. I have 14.67 in my account. Big money. Robert Smith probably has that much sitting in his sofa cushions. :)

Go out, have fun, and play nicely.


Do I make you horny, bay-bee?