"Show me show me show me how you do that trick
The one that makes me scream" she said
"The one that makes me laugh" she said
And threw her arms around my neck
"Show me how you do it
And I promise you I promise that
I'll run away with you
Spinning on that dizzy edge
I kissed her face and kissed her head
And dreamed of all the different ways I had
Crow--My, Does Robert's wife know what he's been up
Mike--That says 'do that trick' not 'turn that trick',
(Crow opens his beak, get's a warning glare from Mike.
Crow is quiet)
Tom--He must have shown her The Spice Girl's Lifetime
Achievement award!
Crow--A travesty...plain and simple...
Mike (British) That'd be a bit painful, wot?
All three--Saaaaaay...
Crow Robert has been with Mary for *how* long, and he *still* doesn't know?
Tom--Oh promises, promises!
I'll run away with you"
All three--Run away! Run away!
Mike--Well, one might assume that if one spins, one
becomes dizzy...
Crow (singing as Robert) Then I took her to my bed...
Mike--Crow, I'm warning you...
Tom--Six different ways!
To make her glow
Mike--I've found that uranium works well.
Tom--Or plutonium.
Crow--Or a good org--
Tom and Mike--CROW!!!
Crow--Oh come on! That's what he's getting at and you
both know it!
"Why are you so far away?" she said
Mike (coughs delicately) Sorry, but I need to stand
"Why won't you ever know that I'm in love with you
That I'm in love with you"
Crow--Because you didn't say it until now?
Soft and only
Lost and lonely
Strange as angels
Dancing in the deepest oceans
Twisting in the water
Tom (Chuck Berry voice)--Come on baby, let's do the
(All three Twist in their seats)
You're just like a dream
You're just like a dream
(Crow hums Nightmare on Elm Street music)
Daylight licked me into shape
All three--Saaaaaayyy!
I must have been asleep for days
Mike (As Robert) Ohh, that was some bender, it was!
And moving lips to breathe her name
Crow (Jimi Hendrix) And his lips, breathe, Mary...
I opened up my eyes
All three--Ewwww!
And found myself alone alone
(Tom makes sniffling and sobbing sounds)
Alone above a raging sea
Mike (as the sea) Arrgh, bloody Cure! Up on that
cliff, making all that racket, and me with a hangover!
Tom (also as the sea) Maybe that Roger O'Donnel bloke
will fall in, and I'll give *him* what-for!
That stole the only girl I loved
And drowned her deep inside of me
Crow--You know, this one's too easy. I won't go
Soft and only
Tom--No, me!
Lost and lonely
Just like heaven