The Amazing Roger/Zorak Connection!
(no harm or disrespect inted to either Zorak or Roger)

On to the FUN stuff!  One day, about 6 months ago, I noticed some strong similarities between Zorak and Roger O'Donnell.  To this end, I collected a list of similar traits, and some striking photos (created by a friend who would like to remain namless).  Were they seperated at birth?  You be the judge.

                       Teh Zorak                                      Teh Rog

 Evil Keyboardist who wants to Rule The Universe(tm)                   Evil Keyboardist. I'm not sure if he wants to Rule The
                                                                                                     Universe(tm), but I am sure that he wouldn't be averse
                                                                                                      to the idea :)

Digs Da Chicks.                                                                             Digs Da Chicks

Thinks he's cute. (And he is)                                                           Thinks he's cute. (And he is)

He's Da Man. (well, man-tis, anyway)                                             He's Da Man.

He's a lovely shade of green.                                                           Sometimes wears lovely shades of green.

Angular features.                                                                             Angular features.

Can be vain.                                                                                   Can be vain.

All he really wants is some gum.                                                      All he really wants is some ...

Can be sarcastic and rude to his friends (watch Space Ghost).         Can be sarcastic and rude to his friends

Still not convinced?  Look at the pictures!

Similar Playing Styles!

Same Big, Toothy Grins

Big Bug Eyes

More Proof!


Boring Disclaimery Stuff:  Zorak is courtesy of Zorak's Domain of the Apocolypse, via Ghost Planet (c) Cartoon Network.  Roger O'Donnell is the very talented keyboardist for The Cure, and belongs to himself.  No harm is intended to either Zorak or Roger.  Please take this in the spirit it's intended :)  Grumpy flamers will be MiSTed.

Is there more?  You tell me!  Send in your suggestions for the Zorak--Roger O'Donnell Connection to Raven!

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