I Don't Value Beauty

Beauty is probably one of the easiest ways to get a free ride in our culture. It gets you jobs, dates, courtesy from others. It inspires arrogance, vanity, and selfishness. But that's why I don't value it, not the main reason. Beauty is the one of the easiest things to get. While you have to train and work to become strong or experienced, and intelligence is something that is a gift, beauty, can be given in exchange for a sum of money, with the grace of a surgeon's hands. And in my experience, anything that can be bought with money isn't that truly valuable, on the grander scale of things. If I had enough money, my fat-ass could look like one of the damn Baldwin's, or get a phallus that could choke an elephant, so why should I value it, if it is that easily gotten? You can't buy intelligence. When is that last time in history that a Beautiful person leaded a movement, or contributed to society? Never. Of course, most people will just assume that I'm writing this out of jealousy, because I'm not some vain anorexic. The people that think that, can go f-ck themselves with a sand-paper dildo, for all I care. You know, I actually enjoy the look on beautiful people's faces when they see me, that disgust. That I'm pushing a button in their shallow, cro-magnon little minds, that and the fact that I know when I'm old and grey, I'll most likely still have my intelligence, while they'll be struggling against time to keep their appearance. And that, my friends...Is poetic justice.
