Sex, Drugs, and Rock & Roll

Well, I've got a few things to vent on all three subjects, so I figured I'd group them together for the sake of the cliche. Hee Hee. I made a funny.


I'll have to say that sex is probably one of the major f*ck-ups that crawled out of the evolutionary path. Giving human beings the ability to reproduce sexually was like soaking a hyper 4 year old with gasoline, stick him in a fire-works factory, and handing him a box of matches. Just look, the human race has infested this planet like rats infesting a crack-house. We're sucking up the natural resources of the planet at an insane rate, replacing it with pollution and toxic waste, for what, because we can't keep our collective dicks in our pants. To be honest, sex isn't even all that great. First of all, you have to find a willing partner, through either lying like a dog, bribery, or being a genetic freak that makes you look like one of those Aryian poster-children they get for Gap commercials, then afterwards, you're sweaty, you stink, your tired, you have to worry if you rocked your partners world, not to mention STDs, pregnancy, and the whole emotional angle. For what, a few minutes of pleasure that feels like somebody stuck a hand-buzzer on the base of your spine. What the Hell? It wouldn't be that attractive, it wasn't hardwired into our grey-matter to reproduce like rabbits on Viagra. Of course, we could always just cut back on the rampant humping, but then again, we can't stop murdering, torturing, robbing, persecuting, and decieving our fellow talking primates, so why should I expect we can't cease stuffing our genetalia into other's orifices?


Like I said before, we can't stop our race from spreading like a acne outbreak on a teenagers face, we might as well let morons kill themselves. And a good way to do that is to legalize drugs. If a moron wants to jab a needle full of lethal poison into his vein, who are we to stop them? Just stop this pretentious, "We are the Policeman of the World" BS, and let people do whatever the hell they want, as long as they don't hurt anybody else or steal anything. Just think about it, how much money are we wasting on the War on Drugs? The extra cops on the street busting drug dealers, the trials....For what? The cops get killed on the job and the drug dealers hire high-priced lawyers, they get off, and the drugs still get in. Then marjiuana, that should be the first damn thing to be legalized. Let's just compare it to Alchohol, which you can drink as much as you want as long as your 21 and not driving...For one, Drunks tend to start trouble. Domestic Violence, Rape, Murder, all of those things are possible when your drunk. When your baked like a peach cobbler, the only thing you pose a danger to are Big Macs. Marijuana isn't physically addictive, while Alchohol is...Marijuana has several effective medicinal benefits, Alcohol...not that many. Why is it acceptable to be an alcoholic in this country, when your average 20-something wearing a tie-dye shirt is branded a useless pothead? Only in America.

Rock n' Roll

Well, this rant technically isn't just about Rock n' Roll, it's more about pop-music in general. So sue me. Music today is just going downhill faster than a Speed Freak running away from those fat-bastard officers you see on Cops. Alternative and Glam Rap is the order of the day, well, until the next trend comes along, and all you lame-ass white kids ditch the Fubu and Tommy clothes, like they did the nasty clothes, piercings, and dirty hair when Grunge died. The sad fact of the matter is there is no such thing as Alternative, it's all Pop now, having gone mainstream for Gen X retards to watch after the Real World XXXXVII goes off. And Rap is just as bad, it's all the same thing now. Every rap music video has somebody talking on a cellphone driving around in some kewl car, with a line of dancers wearing skimpy amounts of vinyl, shaking their ass into the camera, the rapper bobbing his head around into the camera, going "Yo, Yo, Unh, Unh..." Um, yeah, just a cornacopia of creativity there. I think I'm going to stop here, I'm getting a headache thinking about it.
