6th Floor of Hell, Customer Service and Management

No, this rant isn't about how stupid customer service is, it's quite the opposite. How idiotic, retarded, and generally annoying your average customer is. I've worked plenty of crappy jobs entailing hair nets and name-badges in my day, in fact, while I'm writing this, I'm currently selling out pieces of my life, one hour at a time(I keep that up, I'll start to sound like a damn Goth) at a fast food restaraunt. As easy as it is to peg somebody that works in a burger-joint as some acne-covered high-school kid with an intelligence level somewhere in between gonarrhea puss and Puff Daddy, it's hardly true. Yeah, I've worked with plenty of people that need to yanked out of the gene pool by their hair, your average burger-flipper isn't all that stupid. But this rant is about customers...If you've ever seen Clerks, I shite you not, they are almost exactly like that. Standing at the counter, jaw hanging open wider than that a pornstar deepthroating a Clydesdale, with a look on their face that makes me wonder if their brain dead, taking five minutes to pick what kind of greasy animal flesh they want stuck on a lightly toasted bun. And the ones that aren't morons are generally assholes, that think they're entitled to have their food served to them on a silver platter, looking exactly like it does in commercials, because they shelled out two bucks. And when they don't get it like that, because the person working the backline has to make twenty other orders at breakneck speed, they go back to the counter and proceed to bitch like Judge Judy on the rag, until the manager comes out, ends up giving the disgruntled asshole customer a sack of food for free, which has to be made by...you guessed it, the backline, who has work to do. Then the manager goes to the backline, and bitches that person out personally, taking up even more valuable time. My experience with moron customers isn't limited to fast food either, I've worked retail stores as well. Here's a tip, if you can't find something by looking the first 30 seconds, don't go running to an employee like a kid with a skinned knee. Nothing is more damn annoying than having to go find a waterhose/screwdriver/dildo, etc. for a customer that is a few chromosones short of being Corky from Thirtysomething. In summary, when you feel the urge to be an asshole to some minimum-wage slave, because your Big Mac doesn't have enough lettuce on it, just sit back down and eat the f-ckin' food.
