The Softer Side of the Pessimist

Looking back on my web-page...this free ad-banner loaded little corner of the Internet that I call my own, I noticed that it wasn't complete. I'd just wait for whatever came along to piss me off, and then fire off a rant. I'm not some entirely cynic jag-off ready to fire off an angry verbal missive at every slope-browed retard the crawl out of the primordial ooze. I'm just some overweight, dateless smart-ass that has a sadly remarkable resemblance to the lead singer of Blues Traveler. That being said, I'm gonna work on making this little more of a reflection of myself, not just the angry geek-side of it. So, that probably means I'm gonna put up some of my sappy poetry and unreadable short stories, that I will probably look at months later and just cringe at my niave' amatuerish drek.
