The Pissed-Off Pessimist's To-Do List for a Complete Life

This is my list of things to do or experience to have a complete life, things that should be done at least once. I think to have a complete life, you should be on the lowest rung of despair, to the highest peak of contentment, to run the entire gamut of experiences, to have as many perspectives over the course of your life, to be able to say you didn't learn something while you were on this mud-ball.

1)Have a near-death experience.
2)Get into a fight and win.
3)Get into a fight and lose.
4)Fall in love.
5)Get your heart broken.
6)Become dirt poor.
7)Work in a fast-food restaraunt or similar sh*tty job.
8)Be a shoulder for someone to cry on.
9)Try a natural, euphoric drug.
10)Get so drunk you pass out.
11)Spend a night in jail.
12)Go a few days without food, electricity, or modern conviences.
13)Go to a church/religious ceremony of something you don't believe in.
14)See a live band that you like.
15)Go to a strip bar of either gender, whatever your orientation is.

The list will be continued when I think of/experience a few other list-worthy things.
