Broken Mirror

I wrote this on the fly. It's from a personal experience, from which I met the signifigant other of somebody I had deep feelings for. Seeing how similar the two of us were, it made me wonder why that person picked him over me, making me question my self-worth.

A friend, wished to be something more,
My being trembling with fright, to my core.
With my nerve in hand, I tell her my heart
The years slid away, and my friend did return,
But with someone else.
On the surface, I was a gentle breeze.
But on the inside, with jealousy my soul burned.
With her new lover, the two of us spoke,
and in his words, I saw myself.
In a rush, I fled, holding my tongue,
Harsh words in my throat.
I thought and pondered, my feelings became clearer.
Why him, why not me?
I saw myself in a broken mirror.