The Fitz Water Wheel Company's Restoration of Peirce Mill
Notes (in pencil) from March, 1936 Fitz Water Wheel Companies photos. Fitz Water Wheel Company, Hanover, Pennsylvania. Photo 1: Pierce Mill - View of Grinding Floor. March, 1936 - Fitz Water Wheel Company. Photo 2: Pierce Mill - Friction Hoist for Operating Ancient Cast Elevator. Rolling Screen for Cleaning (and Smutter). Hopper Boy (1802). March, 1936 - Fitz Water Wheel Company. Photo 3: Pierce Mill during Restoration. Photo Submitted March, 1936 - Fitz Water Wheel Company. Photo 4: Pierce Mill. March, 1936 - Fitz Water Wheel Company. Sign (in photo): Federal Public Works, Project #571, Contract No. 1-IP-3961, Department of the Interior, National Park Service. Photo 5: Pierce Mill during Restoration. Photo Submitted March, 1936 - Fitz Water Wheel Company. Photo 6: Pierce Mill - View of Basement Floor Showing Husk Frame and Gear Pit with all Gearing, Shafting, etc. Bottle Weights, Crown Mortise Wheel and its two pinions and 16 inch diameter upright shaft and its Journal Boxes were all made in 1818. Meal Chutes made in 1840. March, 1936 - Fitz Water Wheel Company.
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