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The Page Begins Here

Bookmark This Site Because ...

Of Things to come:

1. Stories on individual mills around the country.
2. New mills being constructed, old mills being restored.
3. More milling technology reprints.
4. Milling folklore.
5. Readers' suggestions for topics, questions and answers.
6. You will find things here that you can find no where else on the internet.
7. Etc.

We want to hear from our readers :-)

This Site is still under construction.We have plently of room to grow.
We will be adding new Topics & Areas of Interest in the furture.
We hope you have bookmarked this site & will come back again.

Find information, technical assistance, and answers to your questions.
We have information that can be found no where else on the world wide web.
Thank you!

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Copyright 1996 by T. R. Hazen