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The Hazen Family in America

Tracy Elloit Hazen


There is a township in Northumberland, England, near Alnwick, and Warworth Castle, now called Hazon (or Hazen). In early records it was written Heisende, and philiolgists beleive it was derived from Hegges ende (softened into Heies ende), meaning end of the hedge. To this day there are miles of hedge by the roadside in the township.

From this town, the surname was derived. Hugh of Heisende [in the Latin form, Hugo de Heisende] made an agreement 8 Sept. 1202 regarding 100 acres of wood in Heisende [Feet of Fines, John Northumberland, case 180, file 2, no. 8]; a Hugo de Heisende is also found in 1256, in an Assize Roll of Northumberland, and in another Roll in 1277 he appears as "Hugo Heisand [Surtees Society Pub. 88: 64,387].

Men removing from the town and settling elsewhere, during the period when surnames were coming into use, would be called "de Heisende" - from Heisende- to identify them by their place of origin, and their offspring would become plain Heisende. The name seems to have worked down through Yorkshire, south into Linconshire, all on the eastern coast of England. Many records have been found, in both printed and documentary sources, of the occurrence of the name. It has been decided not to include full mention of these records, partly because of space limitations, and even more because no descent or generation sequence can be established, so that the sporadic occurrance of the surname, variously spelled, is of importance solely as indicating the continutity of appearance of the surname in the northeast counties. It cannot be proved that all who bore the surname in this region were of the same blood, since more than one family deriving from the town of Heisende may have adopted the name.

In Northumberland, more than a century after Hugh de Heisende, we fine Will Haysand mentioned in 1376 [De Banco Roll, Michaelmas Term, 49 Edward III]. In 1455 one Willaim Haysand of Newcastle, Northumberland, claimed part of the manor of Dopmanford, co. Huntingdon, being son of Hugh, son of Thomas (born in Haysand, Northumberland), son of William Haysand, brother and heir of Gilbert Haysnad who married the heiress of Dopmanford and died without issue [De Branco Roll, Easter Term, 33 Henry VI, memb. no. 128]. Before 1399 John of Gaunt granted the leper hospital at Warenford to a hermit named Richard Hayzaund [John Crawford Hodgson, History of Northumberland, 1:251].

In Yorkshire is found the will (in Latin) of Willaim Hassand of Watton, dated 11 August 1484, which mentions his father and eldest son, both named Thomas [Reg. Test. Edor., 5:243]. John Hasande late of Watton died 22 October 1515; and John Hassand of Kirkburne died interstate before 13 April 1559 [Act Book for the Deanery of Harhill and Hull with Beverley].

In 1535 Richard Hasande was bailiff, paid for collecting the rents, in the Deanery of Ludburghe, Lincolnshire [Valor Ecclesiasticus, 4:59]. He may be the Richard Hassand with whom the proved ancestry of Edward Hazen beginning in the section. The known ancestors of Edward Hazen were husbandmen of the better class, of sufficient substance to make wills. The family was not armigerous, and no Hazen coat of arms is known.

NOTE: There are similar sounding names in Dutch (Haas) and German (Haassen) with a Jack-Rabbitt on a family Coat of Arms, there is no family connection. So don't be fooled by misleading family Coat of Arms. Hazzan is the Hebrew spelling which means a cantor, one who crys out the truth. Hazen is a common first name in Isreal. Jews were not allowed to be armigerous. All the Hazen's in America and Canada are decended from Edward Hazen who came from Cadney, Lincolnshire, England to Rowley, Massachusetts in 1638,. There is two recent arivals from England who are related to the family back in England. Where the family name is still spelled Hason.


What are the reasons for concluding that Edward Hazen of Rowley, Massachusetts, the founding ancestor of the American family, was the same "Edwardus Hasson filius Thomae" who "fuit baptizatus 24 die Decembris 1614" as entered in the registers of Cadney, Lincolnshire?

1. The surname was not a very common one in England, and a great deal of reasarch in Northumberland and Lincolnshire has not disclosed any other Edward Hazen of suitable age.

2. No other history has been found for Edward Hazen (baptized 24 Dec. 1614), who was living in 1628 when his father made a will. no record of burail has been found in the search of many parish registers of Lincolnshire. In July 1641, Parliament passed an act that every clergyman should take a census of males over eighteen in his parish, presenting to them for signature a paper upholding the protesant faith. This "Protestation Roll" is very complete for Lincolnshire. It shows at Cadney, William Hassen, first cousin of Edward; at Great Limber, Richard Hason, Edward's brother;and at South Ferraby, a Thomas Hason, servant to William Bromby. Edward does not appear in this Roll, indicating that unless he had died without record, he had left Lincolnshire before 1641.

3. The date of birth is about what we should expect for Edward of Rowley, and makes him in his sixty ninth year at death.

4. The names which Edward of Rowley gave his children are very significant. The first child was Elizabeth, named after his mother, and also his grandmother who lived until he was fifteen years old. The next child, Hannah, was named for Edward's wife. Then came Johnn, the eldest son, which was the name of Edward's grandfather and elder brother. The next child, Thomas, was named after both grandfathers, Edward's father and Hannah's father both bearing the name of Thomas. The next son, Edward, was named for himself, and the youngest, Richard, for Edward's brother of that name. The names of the other children, who were daughters, are not significant, since Edward had no sisters for whom they could have been named.

5. Other settlers in Rowley were from Lincolnshire, and after Edward Hazen married Hannah Grant, her sister Anna married Robert Emerson, who was, like Hazen, a native of Cadney.

Source "The Hazen Family in America" by Prof. Tracy Elliot Hazen, PH.D., 1947, edited by Donald Lines Jacobus. Published by Dr. Robert Hazen, M.D. ("Published as a loving tribute to my brother Tracy Ellliot Hazen"), Thomaston, Connecticut, The Tuttle, Morehouse & Taylor Company, New Haven, Connecticut. 1175 pages. Reprinted by Higginson Book Company - Publishers, Printers, Booksellers that Specialize in Genealogy and History.

Also see "The Hazen Family, Four American Generations," by Henry Allen Hazen, A.M., New Haven Connectucut. The New Englnd Historical & Genealogical Register (Boston, 1879), microfilm American Periodical series reel 1057, volume 33, April 1879, page 229.

Some years ago, Mr. Stanley S. Hazen is up dating and making corrections to Tracy Elliot Hazen's Book "The Hazen Family in America." His address is: Stanley S. Hazen, Post Office Box 6282, Charlottesville, Virginia 22906-6282, (804) 963-9090.

Pictures of Hason , near Alnick, Northumbria (Northumberland), England and of the Hazon Mill (disused) on the Hazon Burn, near the Hazon Castle or Hason Manor House. Read a History of my branch of the Hazen Family written for a family reunion in 1906.

Copyright 1996 by T.R. Hazen