The Fitz Steel Overshoot Water Wheel-Bulletin No. 70 Manufactured by The Fitz Water Wheel Company, Hanover, Pa.
30 Foot diameter by 3 1/2 foot face Fitz Steel Overshoot Water Wheel driving mill of Capt. D. W. Barger, at Shawsville, Virginia. This wheel is fed by a wooden fore bay and is equipped with a segment gear. Fitz Water Wheels have brought prosperity to water poered mills throughout the country for they afford steady powere and constant service from streams that would be worthless with any other type of wheel. There are more than 750 mills and factories in the State of Virginia alone that are being driven today by Fitz Water Wheels.
We can furnish segment gears with the cogs on the outsie of the circle as shown or on the inside of the circle just as desired. The latter type is known as an internal segment gear and will drive the pinion wheel in the same direction that the water wheel travels.
Round Riveted Steel Flume and our new style Dropped End Steel Tank to feed water wheel. This type of tank or gate box permints the use of round feed pipe without sacriface of head, thus affording an economical water tight all steel flume.