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A New Emphasis For Church Leadership

Recently the Lord has been speaking to me comparing church structure to the humane body. The main point the Lord was making to me was the new emphasis He had for those who would be leaders in His body. The part of the body that represented these leaders was the feet.

The feet are submitted to the Head

These leaders will take their orders from and be submitted to the Head of the body. The head of the body is Christ. They will not try to raise themselves up to the head ship of the body. They know their place, they are the feet. Feet take orders from the head and go and do what they are told.

The feet lead the way and take the body with them

When the feet are given a order from the head they begin to move. They do not tell the rest of the body to move. They lead the way and the carry the body with them. They will blindly trust the head that it knows where it is going and move where they are told.

The feet will work together to move the body

These new leaders will not just take off on their own causing the body to be off balance and stumble. They will work in unison leading the body in the same direction. This is how you will know them. They will not seek their own.

Christ, the Head of the Body

Jesus is the Head of the body. It is time to come under submission to the Head. A body can not be in unity unless it is of one mind. That mind is to be the Mind of Christ. If you are providing leadership to the body just because it is your job to do so, STOP. If you are providing leadership to the body because you are submitted to the head ship of Christ and to do otherwise would be to disobey Him, GO. (As I pray about this I feel there are many who feel trapped in positions of the body because of expectations and circumstances. Can a hand be a eye or a leg be a mouth. Be what you are and trust the Lord to take care of the circumstances. Trust Him and you can once again feel His joy as you fill the role in the body that you were created for).

May the Lord give you grace and courage as you seek Him,

Mark Kaphaem

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