Jenkins Center, Audio or
Video or Powerpoint Slides of Lectures, Library of the Carter Jenkins Center,
Tampa (USA): Nagera, H., Kernberg, O., Kernberg, P., Brenner, Ch.,
Parsons, M., Eisold, K., Benveniste, D., Bichi, E.L., Poff, M., Austad, C.,
Ganzarain, R., Sherick, I., Thompson, R., Miller, J., Chethick, M., Novick,
J., Bush, F., Ferrari, H., Ruiz, P., Lax, R., Krystal,
0:56min - 1:46min:
ADHD | Psychogenic Epilepsy | Working Psychotherapeutically with Children
and Adolescents who resort to Violence | Development of Aggression | Adult
Suicide | Death with Dignity | What makes Traders Trade, and how that is
Changing in the Digital Age | The Unconscious at Work in Organizations |
Libido Development and Cultural Evolution | Psychoanalysis and Our Psychoanalytic
Task in Times of Social Upheaval and Traumatic Developmental Interferences
| Developmental Interferences, Developmental Conflicts, Neurotic Conflicts
| The Infantile Neurosis | The Later Neurosis | Neurosciences and the
Psychoanalytic Theory of the Neurosis | Acculturation | The 4-6 Years Stage
of Children | Child Abuse | Elderly Abuse Domestic Violence & Spouse/Partner
Abuse | Anorexia in Childhood | Severe Marital Discord, Divorce & their
Consequences | Divorce and its Consequences | Reprogramming Piaget:
A Developmental Look at ICT and 21st Century Learning | Parent Work: Notes
from the Consulting Room | Adolescence: Transformations, Latency & the
Evolving Ego | On Group Psychotherapy | Developmental Lines & Neurotic
Conflict: A Case Illustration of an Adult | The Denial of Death | The Concept
of the Normal Child and its Many Variations | Athletes and Eating
Disorders/Disordered Eating | The Impact of Illness and Medical Intervention
in a Child's Inner World | The Concept & Problem of Insight in Children
& Adults | Relationships Among Psychoanalysts | The Japanese Complex
of Ajase and Various Types of Guilt | Countertransference, When Incest is
the Problem | Human (Including Psychoanalysts) Tendencies to Conflict | The
Oedipus Complex Revisited: Suggestions for its Amplification and its Role
in Later Malignant Acting Out and Conflicts | Extra-Analytic Contacts, Fantasy
& Reality | The Psychoanalytic Theory of the Neurosis, Character, Character
Structure, & Character Disorders | Trauma & Traumatic Neurosis |
The Effect of Chronic Trauma on Brain Development | Play Therapy: The How
and Why of Chosing Toys | Dangers for Psychoanalysis in the 21st Century
and Some Possible Solutions | Including a Proposal for an International
Psychoanalytic Institute | Female Adolescence: Personal, Sexual Identity
and Homosexuality | The Psychoanalytic Theory of the Neurosis | The
Psychoanalytic Theory of Conflict | How to assess conflicts and their role
in the development of Neurosis | Signal Anxiety | A New Dynamic Conception
of Human Aggression | The Play Relationship and the Therapeutic Alliance
| The Role of the Oedipus Complex | The Organizing Role of the Complex, and
of the Phenomena of Fixation and Regression in the Final Form of the Neurosis
| Adolescence: Dangers, Dilemmas, & Delights | Conscience Development
in Children Under 5 | Play Revisited, Hysteria: The Elusive Neurosis | Working
with Parents of Adolescent Patients | Love in the Therapeutic Alliance |
The Development of the Self and the Object
World | The Concept of Narcissism (Primary & Secondary) | Role in
Psychopathology | Differences with Neurosis | Reclaiming the Land (Reclaiming
the Contributions of Psychoanalysis) | Super-ego Development and Ego-ideal
Development and Their Role in Conflict and the Neurosis | The Role of Stimulation
in Brain Maturation, Programming, and Development | The Ego Development
(Apparatuses and Functions) | The Defense Mechanisms and Their Role in the
Neurosis | Conflict Theory and Trauma Theory | Talking with Strangers | The
Libidinal Aggressive Phases of Development and Their Role in the Neurosis
| Developmental Interferences, Developmental Conflicts, Neurotic Conflicts
| The Infantile Neurosis | The Later Neurosis | Neurosciences and the
Psychoanalytic Theory of the Neurosis | Acculturation | HIV-Related Mood
Disorders | Children's Reactions to Hospitalizations and Illness | Psychotherapy
of Incest Offenders | Dream of a Dying Man | Developmental Interferences,
Developmental Conflicts, Neurotic Conflicts | The Infantile Neurosis and
the Adulthood Neurosis | Acting Out During Psychotherapy of Adults with a
History of Incest | The Psychoanalytic Theory of Conflicts | The Almost
Untreatable Narcissistic Patient | The Ravages of Childhood Trauma | On Death
and Dying | Analysis of the Structure of Play in Sexually Abused and Non-Abused
Children chotherapy in Severe Personality Disorders | Psychoanalytic Approaches
in Trauma | Alexithymia | Psychosomatic and Addiction Problems | Inspiring
Minds | Children's Mourning and Reaction to the Death of Important Objects
| Pablo Picasso: Life, Work, Art & Sadism | On Obsessional Neuroses
and Its Treatment | Conduct Disorders: What to do with your Oppositional
Defiant Child | Virginia Woolf: Life, Work | Manic Depressive Illness
and Suicide | Mourning & Loss | The Imaginary Companions of Children
| Creativity and the Creative Process | Daycare Centers: Red Light, Green
Light or Amber Light (Its Potential Dangers) | The Mind in Conflict |
Vincent Van Gogh: Life, Work, Illness & Suicide | Through the
Life Cycle | Countertransference | Motherhood is an Ebb and Flow... It Lasts
a Lifetime | Transference | Countertransference | Adoption | Complications
in the Psychodynamic Treatment of the Borderline Patients | Trauma, Conflict
& Deficit in Actual Incest | Conflict, Treason and Terrorism | An Attempt
at Psychoanalytic Understanding | Suicide in Children and Adolescents |
Freud Diagnostic Profil
Series (1-14
Audio 0:37min-1:25min)|
Neuroses (2:04min)
Transference (1:22min)
Aggression (1:22min) |