Recently, tried to respond to our article about the Gay Pride parade. We'll refer to this ignoramous as a hermaphrodite since it obviously couldn't have been a real man. What follows is the hermaphrodite's original postings, followed by response and commentary if any. Herme's rantings are worthy of an award, and so the Council of the Elders have decreed that Herme shall receive an award. See the bottom of the page for more details. Enjoy!
On July 18, 2000, the hermaphrodite wrote:
I don't really have anything particular to say regarding your view on gays except, GET OVER IT. But I picked up on several little "peeves" beating beneath your angry little brow!! You are simply another disgruntled white male, who's pissed he has to share this world and it's rights along with someone else, it doesn't matter that they're gay. It's this superior white thing you have going on. Poor Baby, they've taken your plantation and left you without anyone to plant your crops and now you're pissed, that's all. And now that the bullshit that you and yours crammed down everyone elses throats that were not like yourselves, is being splashed in your faces like a puddle of piss, you're mad. YOU KNOW, I THOUGHT YOU TRULY HAD SOME ORIGINAL IDEAS TO EXPRESS, BUT YOU'VE BEEN UNCOVERED AS SIMPLY ANOTHER WHINER WHO NEVER LEARNED TO SHARE.
Real intelligent commentary at the end, don't you agree? Obviously a sexually repressed hermaphrodite. Here's is our first response.
Your response might be intelligent but for a few blatant errors.
A) I'm not a white male. In fact, I'm (as the degrading white society term goes) a visible minority. I'm as visible as they come. That alone would justify taking the position that your e-mail need not be dignified with a response. However, since I have the proverbial balls to defend my beliefs (and indeed, I welcome any challenge to my belief system), I will dignify your pathetic attempt to rationalize your sorry views.
B) I've got no problem sharing the world. I do have a problem with people that want more than the share that they've EARNED. If I didn't believe that, I would freely give up my home and my land to the so-called "Native Indians" (the failure to do so would make me a hypocrite).
C) You obviously understood nothing about my views on homosexuality because had you comprehended what you were reading, you might have discovered that I have nothing against gays. I do however, have something against idiots. People can engage in just about any sexual practice they want, I don't really care. But how many heterosexuals do you see shoving their heterosexuality in your face by having a tax-payer's parade for it?
D) Judging by the tone of your response, I can only figure you are a white female (if we are going to play the race card based on writings only, as you have) that feels she must inject her own views to protect so-called down-trodden minorities because they are neither strong enough or intelligent enough to defend themselves. Let me guess ... you must have voted for the Federal Liberals the last time around, right? This type of paternalistic attitude is nothing short of pathetic, let alone racist, sexist and degrading. Unlike yourself, I'm all for equality. I don't believe that some are more equal than others, and I definitely don't endorse different equality for the different categories that I create. Notice my position in "Gay Pride Parade" ... be proud of being gay, I don't really give a shit. But why is my tax dollar paying for it?
E) So since we've now come to the realization that I'm not a white male heterosexual, and given that seems to be the point on which your entire argument depends, where does that leave you? Well, for one thing, I don't recall my ancestors "shoving bullshit" down the throats of others. And EVEN if I were white and EVEN if my ancestors did do the things of which you accuse white males, by your logic, revenge is a just concept. And please don't deny that today's affirmative action policies are not revenge. If you do, it's because you've never taken the time to read section 15(2) of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, as well as the accompanying (laughable body of) jurisprudence.
Now then ... would you like to take another stab at it?
[Here was our response to the P.S. above]
This is a nice generalization. Do you normally go around making such blatantly sexist accusations? You are a real champion of equality. Adolf Hitler could have used a real good pr-man like yourself.
The hermaphrodite didn't have enough. You'll also notice the hermaphrodite was too stupid to respond to the points raised in our arguments. To wit, on July 21, 2000, the hermaphrodite responded:
heaven awaits you dear, you're so totally together, i'm frightened. by the way, you're much too "wordy." is there no way for you to state your point of view, sans the longwindedness - if I don't agree with you, then my views are "sorry." how very democratic of you. you have a problem with gay parades, single mothers, etc, etc. - you strike me a howard stern wannabe, but without all the attention, except from me because my job happens to be even more boring than yourself. as I said, your cover is blown, white or not
peace out patsy
No-one here could figure out what this queer means by all of this, other than the fact that this idiot obviously had no intelligent rebuttal and so had to resort to some jibberish in the hopes of distracting us. Our response had to be kept short this time so this moron might get the idea ...
A response has to be wordy when the audience is far too intellectually stunted to comprehend what is going on. This is why it takes forever to explain something to a feminist.
Notice that the pea-brain has missed all the points raised. Well, at least it always has its anal dildo to go home to.
People, if you want to respond to the articles posted, try to make them as funny as this one. This one was so good, it will be receiving a special award ... check back in a couple of days for it. I love dealing with moronic dickheads like this because they are so easy to bash around. Keep 'em coming hermaphrodite!
Click here to
view Herme's award. (Three guesses what Herme's dining on.)