Yesterday (June 20, 2000) a woman came running out of her house, naked, screaming, and passed off a baby to her neighbours. Shortly thereafter, her lard-ass husband came out with a rifle, dragged her back into the house, eventually shot and killed her, and then turned the rifle on himself.
Let me lay out a basic premise. 1) I don't condone abusing women (or anyone other non-deserving person for that matter). 2) I don't condone shooting women (or any other non-deserving person for that matter). 3) It's a good thing this guy shot himself because I'd hate to waste my tax dollars paying for a piece of crap like to that to live in a pennitentiary as he obviously has very little to offer society.
BUT ...
I MUST ask. What the hell was she doing with this guy in the first place? Yes, yes, I know. Women don't choose to be abused, blah, blah, blah. But you know what? There is a thing in life called accountability. People are accountable for the decisions they make.
Husbands (or wives - yes militant feminists, this actually does happen!) do not magically become abusive homicidal maniacs overnight. The signs and symptoms are present long before the individual in question snaps.
YET, the woman (typically) decides to stay with the abuser for an extended period of time, with all sorts of bulls**t justifications such as battered wife syndrome, etc., etc., blah, blah, blah.
I'm sorry, but too bad. I'm not going to listen to a guilt trip about how evil men are and how we perpetuate abuse, etc., etc., just because someone is too stupid to get off their ass, leave their abusive partner, and go set up a life for themselves until it is too late.
What happened to this woman is unfortunate. I agree that it should never have happened, nor should it happen to anyone else. But PLEASE don't tell me the justice system failed her. She failed herself by making a really piss poor decision. And she has to be accountable for it.
These things do not happen overnight. They fester for years and years. Women aren't responsible for that, but they contribute to it by acquiesing to that sort of behaviour.
Want to make a positive change? Instead of getting Anne McLellan (or however you spell her name) to institute some more militant anti-male anti-equality legislation, how about trying a really novel and less intrusive solution ... say, making decisions responsibly in life and being accountable for them? I know, I know. That's too much to ask in today's society.
I had a woman stalk me once. Solution? A friend of mine threatened to do her intense and graphic bodily harm. She stopped harassing me. If this guy was harassing her early on, a lead pipe could have cured that.
I'm not saying you have to become a vigilante, but sometimes life requires you to grow a good solid brass set of balls.
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