Gay Pride Parade

The Gay Pride Parade - A Day Of National Shame

By The Poison Pen

June 27, 2000

Let's start off with an affirmative note. I am not against gays, homosexuals, lesbians, bisexuals, or whatever else you want to label people as. In fact, I am all for lesbians and bisexual women. I think they make a great tag-team combination in bed. In fact, let me come out of the closet now. I AM a lesbian trapped in a man's body.

BUT(T) ...

This Gay Pride Parade is so ridiculously stupid and arrogant that it should be the subject of an altruistic NATO air strike (or rectal strike, depending on your take). Why you ask? First off, the parade (yes, I am using a small 'p' on purpose) suggests nothing about pride in being gay. Instead, it is an opportunity for homosexual radicals, drag queens, transsexuals and other fringe interest groups to hijack an otherwise public forum for their own needs ie "well, we're quasi gay so you have to accept all of our bullshit too!".

Secondly, I don't give a crap that you are gay. Do what you want in the privacy of your own home. Let me repeat ... IN THE PRIVACY OF YOUR OWN HOME! Do you see any Hetero Pride Parades? I am proud to be a heterosexual. Do you think I could throw a parade, have floats, flash my penis connecting with a vagina in public, and have public officials attend and endorse such a farce? Hell No! Why? Because in today's society it is discriminatory and offensive to be a heterosexual.

The sodomy must stop here! Why is the taxpayer paying to have some idiots dress up as the opposite gender, stop traffic in our central business district, and generally waste our time? The reason is simple. Our society has been hijacked by militant feminists, lesbians, homosexuals, and every other "minority" group you can think of. You can do whatever you want in the streets of the greater Toronto area, unless of course, you are a straight male, or even worse, a white straight male.

What the hell are city officials doing endorsing and attending this function? Is this truly the same thing as say, the Battle of the Atlantic Parade by the Navy, which consists of a quick 1/2 hour march through relatively uncrowded streets on a Sunday morning to a church, where we give thanks for those that gave or risked their lives, and a quick march back to the muster point? Let me add, I have yet to see prominent city officials attend that function.

The lesson for our children? Kill and die for your country, no-one gives a shit. Stab another man in the ass with your penis ... you're a goddamn hero!

I am disgusted with this parade not because I am against gays. You want to ass-stab another man, by all means go ahead, as long as it's not me. But for F***'s sake, take your goddamn parade off the streets! You tie up traffic, you waste taxpayer's dollars, and you add absolutely NOTHING to the cultural value of society. Your parade doesn't make me want to tolerate homosexuals. Far from it, it makes me want to beat them up. I think that is a really sad thought because normally, I don't endorse wanting to punch anyone's lights out. But this parade brings out the absolute worst in me, and others. It makes me want to say "these are not legitimate members of society ... there are a bunch of mindless moronic crap-for-brains that legitimize the argument for abortion". The parade is offensive, not because it is about homosexuality, but because it is about a bunch of idiots attempting to reach the public with nothing more than lame shock value!

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