August 19, 2002
Oh, sure, like I will want to fly American now. Just check out this article on They are ‘down sizing’ the airline, laying off thousands of workers including experienced pilots, and not serving food in some oversea flights. Shoot, on our last overseas trip, they eliminated the peanuts and pizza (one of their best ideas…) within a span of a few weeks. We had them on the way to the USA, but not on our return trip to Europe. We are frequent flyers who don’t get any of those ‘frequent flyer’ benefits (The company takes them.). We flew American just days after the 9-11 tragedy. I have had some minor frustrating difficulties with their airline, but still chose them again a few months later. We are going to use another airline for our next trip. What do they take us [regular folks] for? –Fools?!? The truth is that it all comes down to the paychecks for the stockholders and CEO’s—people who can can afford to fly first class or their own jets. Well, I for one am not going to take it anymore! I will simply take my money elsewhere. Maybe the airline industry should be regulated, and
maybe they
should start thinking about the care and creature comforts of their paying passengers.
Sure the “passengers have spoken,” as Robert Crandall said. He said the people have spoken and that they have shown that they want lower prices and will put up with fewer frills. Hey, Mr. Crandall (and Mr. Don Carty), I have news for you. Yes, of course we would like lower prices, but we would also like to have the seating back that the airlines took away over the last decade or two. How about returning to the leg room of the early 1970’s? We would like to be able to sit comfortably and not have our knees up under our chins in the Economy Class! By the way, Business Class wasn’t much better. We want our peanuts and pizzas back! Maybe THEN people will start flying again. Maybe those CEO’s and decision-makers should start thinking from the ‘regular guys’ point of view. Maybe they could learn a thing or two. This is disgusting and we will not pick American Airlines for our next transatlantic or national trips.

I lived in South Africa for over three years having just recently moved to Poland. Recently in the news there is much talk about how Zimbabwe, under the auspices of Robert Mugabe’s regime, is taking over the land owned by the White farmers in that country. Mugabe says it is to “right the wrongs of the colonial period”. Guess what!?! That is pure fabrication and hallucination, not to mention hubris and lies. It has absolutely nothing to do with ‘righting any wrongs’. He wants to take their land to give it to his cronies and other members of the Shona tribe. You see, my dear guests, Africa has a multitude of tribal loyalties. Think of it as vast clans fighting for their piece of the pie. Think of it as a whole continent of “Hatfields and McCoys” (feuding families in our country of America). See
The Hatfields and McCoys. In 1983 and 1984 a campaign by Mugabe’s government to crush political opposition in Matabeleland led to the slaughter of thousands of civilians with thousands more beaten and tortured. A reign of terror was carried out in Matabeleland. The slaughter claimed as many as 20,000 civilian lives and thousands more were tortured. Most of those were people of the Negroid Race. This thing going on in Zimbabwe is not about Blacks against Whites. It is ALL ABOUT GREED ON THE PART OF MUGABE!!! I’d like to put something in my cauldron regarding him, but I think he is his own worst enemy and will get what’s coming to him soon. I feel badly for the innocents that are going to be starving because of his greed and stupidity, but I don’t want my country, the USA, to bail him out. He needs to reap what he has sown. Just like the Gibsons and Olvers (our landlords in South Africa), he will “pay” for his evil deeds (oh yes!) and for the people he starved because of his own greed and hubris! He has ‘legion’ to answer for in this Universe. Mugabe, your days are numbered!!! He is an evil, evil man. I have no vested interest in Zimbabwe. I am simply a woman of the Caucasian Race who has been observing what is happening there. I do, however, have to wonder why the world has turned a ‘blind eye’ to what’s happening there as opposed to what evil happens in more predominately White countries. How many of you ever heard of the “Killing Fields” of Cambodia? Yeah, I thought so. I rest my case…
Becker Agency is located in the Agora Shopping Center in
Fourways, near Johannesburg, South Africa. Before you do business with this agency, you should email me. (See email address at bottom of page.) I will share with you my experiences in dealing with this agency. I suggest you contact me first.
Sagaciously, Raven
I don’t know who penned the next two sayings, but I like them and wanted to share them with you.

These things, I warmly wish for you-
Someone to love,
Some work to do,
A bit of o’ sun
A bit o’ cheer
And a Guardian Angel
Always near.

May joy and peace surround you,
Contentment latch your door,
And happiness be with you now
And bless you evermore.

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