I have some scrolls and potions to attend to before putting quill to parchment here. Meanwhile, please read my rant regarding Harry Potter as well as various other rants and raves. Then bookmark my page and check out my other WebPages as well as those listed in my “Links” section. P.S. There’s some personal Harry Potter info at the end of the page. The coincidence (synchronicity?) is rather amazing.
Travel there and come back often to see what has me ranting and raving.
Blessings, Raven...
Well, you asked, so here it is.
Baneful Banning of Books
First of all, I would like to thank Wren and Fritz for their Wren’s Nest on the Web and The Witches’ Voice and for all of their timely reports concerning information that is relevant and important to all persons, especially “non-traditional” religious persons. I “religiously” check Wren’s news every time I log onto the Internet. I would just like give her a BIG THANK YOU, WREN for keeping us abreast of what is happening and giving us a chance to comment. I would also like to thank you for posting this in its entirety on your own website. Thanks, Wren
Okay, so the pagans threw the Christians to the lions a couple thousand years ago. It did not, however, last for hundreds of years as has the persecution in all its myriad forms that the Christians have thrust upon pagans ever since. Because I have had a foot in each world, I feel qualified to discuss this particular case. I want the intolerances toward pagans and others to end and the laws of the First Amendment upheld. We cannot be lulled into complacency. The actions of those that would trample on our constitutional rights must be addressed whenever and wherever they rear their ugly heads. Like anyone else, I want to love others as well as the next person, but when a few start abusing my rights to religious freedom and condemning beliefs I hold sacred, I cannot just sit idly and quietly by hoping someone else will stifle the miscreants.
Therefore, I am replying to an article that appeared in the
The Oregon Live News Flash. NOTE: I used to have a link to the aforementioned news site, but it gets repeatedly broken. However, I found it on the Google Search Engine. I suggest trying
Google directly. At the present time, it is the first link they display. Actually,
there really isn’t any great need to go there as I give an account of what the article related pertaining to the complaint by the Wilsons. Please continue. . .
This is an article in which a born again Christian is complaining about the Harry Potter books. It states, "Greg and Arlena Wilson said the books include witchcraft and divination, which is the occult practice of predicting the future. . .He said the practice of witchcraft is disrespectful to God, and the books encourage children to be disrespectful to their parents." The key operative words here are "whose God"? Why should a school ban a book just because a born again Christian wants it banned? Under the First Amendment of the Constitution of the United States of America all citizens are entitled to pursue their own concept of God/Goddess/Jelly Bean Tree, or what have you. Why should a school ban a book when the majority do not want it banned, and those wanting to ban it are basing this desire on their own personal beliefs?
Terrorism wears many faces. Fanaticism in the form of born again or zealous fundamentalist Christians trying to force their religious beliefs upon others is one example. Religious extremists, or zealots, who justify abnormal, and often dangerous behavior in the furtherance of their convoluted beliefs, are terrorists. Their mission, as they see it, becomes one of inflicting their beliefs upon others in order to "save" as many souls as they can. The scary thing about this is that they feel totally justified in doing so because they believe it is "God’s will", and for them this supersedes the law. Wake up everyone. This is the reason they are trying to change laws, get their candidates elected, ban books, put the Ten Commandments into the classrooms, and so forth adnauseam. They are trying to change the laws governing separation of church and state in America so they can implement their plans for influencing young people’s minds as they see fit. They have even gone so far as to try to get other religions outlawed.
It seems incredulous to me that there are still those who are yammering away about the evils of someone else’s religion and religious practices/rituals/books as we go clamoring into the 21st Century.