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The Mayfair Legacy: Set up by Marie Claudette in 1789

Rituals: Formal & Informal involved in the Legacy

As an additional side note of an observer: In studying the Mayfair Family, it has been found, involving financial situations, that despite the fact that the hier/heiress of the Mayfair fortune (grossing over 7 billion dollars, and growing) does not have to share any amount of money w/ anyone other than the siblings that an amount automatically goes to, throughout the years it has been observed that there has been no family member who has ever been turned down in times of need or upon requests of money. Every heir/heiress has always been exceedingly generous to the entire family, not just those required by law to gain financial benifits.

In short, this family takes special care of everyone else in this family. Most financial confontations are done through the family Lawyers, and it has been noted that even illegitimate (and interacial) children of the family, not normally associated with the family, have always had an extended invitation by the Mayfairs to ask for any help they may need, emotion or financial. One such example can be found in the file of Merrick Mayfair.

The Mayfair Legacy has been found to be a most complicated (but most beneficial and intellegent) arrangement of the inheiretance for the Mayfair family (more specifically, the single Mayfair designee/beneficiary).

The legacy amounts now to over 7 billion dollars (placed in a number of banks) and legally cannot be manipulated by any country's inheiretance laws (and well being since the Myfairs have resided in 3 different countries to date). The money is controlled by a single designee (one chosen in each descending generation) whi in turn designates the next heir to the fortune. The Mayfairs also have a backup plan (which is a twist on the "next of kin" rule) in which the oldest daughter (or most closely related female) recieves the title if no designee is chosen before the present beneficiary dies; however, this has never happened (though designee's have been changed before).

However, the only way any male of the family could inheirit this title is if there is absolutely no living female descendant (though, if chosen by the current beneficiary, it would be accepted).

The current holder of the Legacy title is Rowan Mayfair, who has accepted Mona Mayfair as the next and Mona has chosen her Taltos daughter, Morrigan Mayfair as the next after her (though, whether or not this will cause problems with the family or if it will remain so is yet to be seen).

Rituals, laws and legal loophole requirements (to elaborate on those listed at the top of the page) are:

That while the legacy also provides a large inheiretance to each heir's siblings (the amount however, being twice more for the sisters, in contrast to the brothers) is also states that any beneficiary must retain the name Mayfair.

The heiress of the Mayfair Legacy (in addition to keeping her own name) must also wear the Mayfair Emerald on her wedding day (though the signifigance of this is not clear, it obviously holds to a tradition started by Deberah Mayfar, the first to recieve the emerald, from the spirit (Lasher) over 400 years ago.

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