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Mona Mayfair

Alicia Mayfair’s daughter and Ancient Evelyn’s great-granddaughter, she is the “twentyfold” Mayfair and a very powerful witch. Obsessed with family, race cars, guns, and computers, she shares many of Rice’s own interests. At the age of thirteen, she is a computer wizard and financial genius, and her two ambitions are to seduce all of the Mayfair men and to set up her own mutual fund. In love with the image of Ophelia from Hamlet, and being highly erotic she lost her virginity at the age of twelve: “I eradicated all traces of it.”

The first recognition of Mona is at Deirdre’s funeral. She is the little girl with the bow in her hair. Later, she is the flower girl at Rowan’s wedding. Although she is well developed, Mona likes to dress as a little girl; this guise keeps men off guard.

Both of her parents are alcoholics, so she takes over as the responsible one in the family. Mona knows the complete history of the Mayfair witches and has figured out the lineage on her computer. Julien is her great-grandfather three times over. She has inherited the full complement of paranormal powers, including diagnostic sensitivities, and later she learns that she had a sixth finger, which was cut off when she was born. She nearly died as a result, but Evelyn had saved her.

Mona has dreams of Julien beckoning her to First Street and encouraging her to seduce Michael Curry, whom Rowan has abandoned. She does sneak into First Street, but Michael resists her. However, later they are both drawn by music to a room downstairs that Julien has transformed into one from his era, and, hypnotized, they make love.

Mona just escapes being one of Lasher’s victims as he rapes Mayfair women in search of a mate (although he might have sensed that she is already pregnant, from Michael, with a Taltos). When the women whom Lasher has seduced, including Mona’s aunt Gifford and mother Alicia, die of uterine hemorrhages, Mona decides to dress as a young woman rather than a child. She then assists in organizing protection for the Mayfair women.

When Yuri Stefano arrives in New Orleans to join Aaron Lightner, Mona falls in love with him. They make love in her room for only one night before he must leave to investigate the corruption in the Talamasca.

When Rowan is found in a coma and brought back to New Orleans, Mona organizes a circle of Mayfair witches who unsuccessfully attempt to heal her. She decides to ensure that Mayfair Medical is built according to Rowan’s vision. When it becomes clear that Rowan can have no more children, the Mayfair lawyers name Mona the next designee.

Eventually Rowan recovers and Mona apologizes for seducing Michael. Before leaving for England to investigate the Talamasca, Rowan perceives that Mona is pregnant. She knows that it is Michael’s child and she feels that the three of them can work it out, should the child be normal. However, there is some danger that it might be a Taltos.

Mona’s pregnancy advances quickly and she recognizes that her baby is a Taltos. She hears it singing or humming, and hums songs herself, “as if the song were being made known to her by some remote part of her memory where beautiful and delicate things were never forgotten.” She even receives dreams comprised of her baby’s memories of Taltos gatherings. She discovers her child’s name, Morrigan, in one such dream.

Her cousin Mary Jane recognizes at once that Mona’s child is not normal. She learns what she can from Lasher’s writings, then takes Mona to the decrepit Fontevrault so that she can give birth safely and in secret. Morrigan soon emerges and Mona names her the heir to the Legacy. They all return to First Street, where Mona pleads with the newly arrived Michael and Rowan to accept Morrigan and not to hurt her. They reluctantly agree, but Mona remains afraid for her child. When the Taltos Ashlar arrives and takes Morrigan away, Mona screams over her loss.

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