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The Vampire History/Timeline Overview

The Purpose for filing an overview of the known vampire history is to serve as sort of a timeline and index of facts. Often members with access to the vampire files have stated their preference to forming a document that provides the basic documented facts of the history of the vampire, to save time and effort (as opposed to sifting through many individual files that, naturally are more than a few lifetimes long)

Below begins the timeline and history, begining with the first vampire, Akasha, and her descendants thereafter.

Around 4000 B.C.

Akasha brings Mekare and Maharet to her court where she has them humiliated through public rape by Khayman. Mekare calls upon the spirit Amel to avenge them.

Amel enters Akasha's body through a wound and intertwines with her fleeting soul to create the first vampire. Akasha in turn makes Enkil a vampire.

Maharet has a daughter by Khayman's rape, which begins what she calls the "great family", and Khayman searches the twins out and brings them back to Egypt again.

Akasha makes Khayman a vampire.

Khayman makes Mekare a vampire, and she, in turn, makes Maharet her fledgling.

Maharet and Mekare are separated and sealed into coffins. These coffins are set adrift in different directions. Both vampires survive, however they can't find one another.

Around 3000 B.C.

Akasa and Enkil fall into their sleep.

Around 1000 B.C.

Maharet makes Eric a vampire.

Around 49 B.C.

The elder who was keeping the King and Queen (in Egypt) places them in the sun, burning all existing vampires, killing many. Some do survive.

Marius' mortal birth (around 30 b.c.)

Pandora's (Lydia's) mortal birth (around 15 b.c.)

The Druid's God of the Grove (burnt vampire) makes Marius a vampire (about 10 A.D.)

Mael becomes a vampire.

Marius takes Akasha and Enkil out of Egypt into Antioch.

Marius makes 35 year old Pandora into a vampire (about 20 a.d.)

After 49 B.C.

Pandora Makes Flavius a vampire (around 30 a.d.)

Maharet puts a dagger in Akasha's heart to prove that the legend (that she must exist for all other vampires to exist) is true.

1200's - 1300's

Urusla becomes a vampire

Santino becomes a vampire.


Marius makes Armand a vampire when he is 17 years old.

Magnus becomes a vampire.

Mortal birth of Vittorio de Raniari (1434)

Ursula makes sixteen-year-old Vittorio a vampire (1450)


Mortal birth of Lestat de Lioncourt (1760)

Mortal birth of Louis de Pointe du Lac (1766)

Lestat goes with friend/lover, Nicholas to Paris to become an actor (1779)


Magnus makes 20 year old Lestat into a vampire, then commits suicide by fire.

Lestat makes Gabrielle into a vampire.

Lestat encounters Armand's coven.

Lestat makes Nicholas a vampire.

Lestat gives Renaud's theatre' to four vampires who, with Nicholas, turn it into the Theatre des Vampires.

Lestat and Gabrielle begin their journey down "Devil's Road"; Lestat begins to leave the first of many messages to Marius.


Nicholas goes into the fire.

Lestat's mortal family is killed during the French Revolution.

Gabrielle leaves Lestat to go into the jungles.

Lestat goes underground.

Marius comes to Lestat and takes him to the island where Akasha and Enkil sit as statues. Lestat awakens Akasha, but is nearly killed by Enkil. Marius sends Lestat away.

Lestat arrives in New Orleans

Claudia is born.


Lestat makes 25 year old Louis a vampire (1791)

Slaves drive Lestat and Louis from Pointe du Lac, however they are aided by a neighboring lady favored by Louis. (Babette)

Louis and Lestat make 5 year old Claudia into a vampire.

The three form a settled coven in their signature town house in New Orleans.


Claudia attacks Lestat and leaves his remains in a swamp; Lestat survives and returns, Louis burns down the town house while he and Claudia flee.

Louis and Claudia travel to Eastern Europe by ship to seek out the "Old-World" vampires.

Claudia and Louis go to Paris.

Louis meets Armand and his coven Thetre des Vampires.

Louis makes Madeline a vampire.

Armand's coven destroys Claudia and Madeline.

Louis retaliates by burning down the Theatre des Vampires.

After 1862

Louis travels with Armand, then returns to New Orleans, where he stated seeing Lestat again.

Armand leaves Louis.


David Talbot's mortal birth (1917)

Lestat goes underground in New Orleans (1929)

Armand claims New Orleans as his own territory.

Jesse's mortal birth (1950)

Daniel's mortal birth (1955)

Louis tells his story to the reporter in San Francisco (1975)

The publication of Interview with the Vampire published (1976)

Lestat rises from his sleep after hearing the music from 'Satan's Night Out'; upon reading Interview with the Vampire he decides to become a rock star. (1984)


Killer makes a 14 year old Baby Jenks into a vampire. She is killed later that year.

Lestat publishes his autobiography: The Vampire Lestat.

Jesse, a member of the Talamasca, investigates the infamous New Orleans town house and documents the vampire activities (and is harrassed by Claudia's ghost) there. Claudia's diary (and locket) are discovered.

Lestat's first concert is scheduled for Halloween, San Francisco; many other vampires plot to kill him.

Louis reunites with Lestat.

Armand makes 30 year old Daniel a vampire.

Akasha awakens from her trance when she hears Lestat's music again, kills Enkil, buries Marius in an avalanch of snow on their house, and begins her worldwide slaughter of vampires.

Mekare sends dreams to vampires worldwide to tell them the twin's story.

Khayman remembers who he is after a long period of amnesia and follows Akasha to San Francisco, where he attends Lestat's concert.

Pandora and Santino rescue Marius from underneath the ice, and accompany him to Sanoma.

Vampires gather at Lestat's concert, some attack Lestat, Akasha kills most of them.

Gabrielle reunites with Lestat.

Akasha abducts Lestat and begins her worldwide slaughter of men.

Maharet makes 35 year old Jesse a vampire.

The vampires who survive Akasha's destruction gather at Sanoma.

Marius reunites with Armand.

Akasha and Lestat arrive at Sanoma.

Mekare destroys Akasha and becomes the new Queen of the Damned.

Lestat records of the preceeding events.

Lestat meets David Talbot.


The publication of The Queen of the Damned


Lestat tries to end his existence by flying towards the sun.

Lestat meets Raglan James and switches bodies with him to experience life as a mortal again, James refuses to return Lestat's body and attempts to use it for it's power, but Lestat retrieves it and kills Raglan.

Lestat makes David Talbot a vampire. David is 74, but was currently occupying the body of a 26 year old man.

David and Lestat agree to live with Louis in their New Orleans town house.


The publication of The Tale of the Body Thief

Louis, David and Lestat part ways.

Lestat goes to Rio and senses a stalker.

Lestat sees Roger and begins to stalk him.


Lestat discusses his stalker with David.

Lestat kills Roger; speaks to Roger's ghost; then meets his daughter Dora.

Lestat's stalker introduces himself as Memnoch the Devil and asks for Lestat's help.

Lestat accompanies Memnoch to Heaven and Hell. He meets God, hears the story of creation, see's Christ's passion and the making of Veronica's veil. He visits Hell but decides against helping Memnoch. In escaping Hell he loses his left eye to Memnoch.

Lestat gives Veronica's veil to Dora, who uses it to fan the flame of Christianity.

Armand destroys himself in the sun to affirm the veils authenticity; Mael does the same.

Dora gives St. Elizabeth's to Lestat.

Maharet returns Lestat's eye and chains him to restrain him. She gives him a note from Memnoch which thanks him for his help.

Lestat dictates this experience to David.


The publication of Memnoch the Devil

After 1995

Armand, having survived the sun, finds a new reason for existance in Sybelle and Benji. He tells his story to David Talbot.

Immortals gather to be by Lestat's side following his journey with Memnoch.

Marius makes Sybelle and Benji into vampires.

Lestat awakens to listen to Sybelle's music.


The publication of Pandora and The Vampire Armand (1998)

The publication of Vittorio, The Vampire (1999)

The publication of Merrick (2000)

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