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Anne's Phone Message Transcripts

Here is where I'm going to place some of the most recent phone message transcripts Anne leaves to her fans. I will try to include the date of each message to clearly show the most recent.

Also, if you would like to leave a message for Anne Rice, she has a fan-phone-line where you can leave your thoughts and opinions. These messages are also transcribed my some of Anne's employees, who deliver the messages to Anne. She does recieve each and every message, and openly expresses her wishes to hear from you. You can leave this message at:(504) 522-8634]

If you would like to see all of the transcripts from the past three years (something like 92 of them, I believe) then please visit the Official Anne Rice Page here.

Most recent Message

Feb. 17, 2003. Anne's surgery and movie recommendation

Other recent messages

Jan. 13, 2002: No more Vampire Chronicles or Mayfair Witches
December 26, Holiday Wishes from Anne
Anne sends a message to fans about her husgband's unexpected death.
Sept. 12, 2002. Anne Talks about her husband's recovery and her writing.
Sept. 3, 2002-Anne talks about her husband's brain tumors.
July 19, 2002
July 4, 2002
July 18, 2001
Sept. 11, 2000

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