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Welcome to the new and redesigned News Page!!!

It's been a long time since I've updated anything around here, and now that I'm back into it, I've found that this place is a mess! So, to make things simpler and more organized, I've redesigned my news page to be more up-to-date and easier to browse.

From now on I'll keep the Top Five news subjects on this page, and all the past articles and updates will go to a News Archive. Each time something new comes along to report, the oldest news on the Top Five will be bumped to the archives.

Ok, so here it is: The new up-to-the-date news!!!

Top Five

Anne's new Book, Blackwood Farm
Chris Rice Starting a Third Book, and an Old Article Worth Mentioning
Witching Hour Trilogy to be Primetime Series on NBC
Ramses the Damned Movie
Anne's most recent phone message, Holiday Wishes

News Archive

Home Page