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!!!Pic of the Week Archive!!!

For any of you who have seen the Pic of the Week pictures on my home page, and are just wondering what were some of the past pic-of-the-weeks, here's where you'll find them. Below are the past pictures that have been the pic-of-the-week, arranged by date, with any additional info that was posted with them at the time. Enjoy!


This week's pic comes from another of the site's own fanartists. It's a mini-Lestat by Sanna Luotonen. Sanna's also done more mini-characters (including a scene w/ Lestat and Louis) so please drop by her fanart gallery by clicking on her name and view her other works.


This is a chibi pic of the always popular Lestat. It was done by ~Dany&Dany~ and is just one of a lot of adorable cartoon chibi's in their collection. Dany & Dany also do amazing fan art of the VCs, as well as more than one comic book of their own.


The source of all our entertainment, herself. I've always thought Anne had a strange sort of beauty, and it shows well here.


The first time I saw this, I really couldn't help but crack up. For those of you who've never read the "Beauty" series, this will seem strange; but for those who have, it's hilarious to look at.

Anyway, this is Sleeping Beauty. It's one of the dolls in the Anne Rice Dolls collection that is for sale and on display in New Orleans. Here's the description from the website that goes w/ the pic:
"From the pages of the erotic Sleeping Beauty Trilogy, Beauty comes to life in all of her lusty glory in this stunning porcelain creation. Beauty slumbers on her handmade sage green fringed bed with matching tasseled pillow. Beauty is barely attired in a stunning mauve silk skirt and corset. Accented by lustrous gold thread and sparkling crystals, Beauty lies awaiting the "kiss" of her Prince Charming. Beauty is 26" tall...even lying down."

You can find this doll in the online Anne Rice Doll Collection, here. And you can browse all of AR's other dolls here. There are TONS of great dolls (a lot of new ones, including some from Blackwood Farm) and all kinds of things to look at here, so have a look for yourself.


A sort of concept/fantasy pic of Pandora. More of a representation of what Pandora looks like on the inside, and not just the outside. You can see her mystery and allure in this pic.


My Gabrielle. Beautiful. Cold. Dangerous.




I've finally been able to start reading some AR books that I've never read before, and hope to soon add them as great additions to the site. I got my hardcover copy of Violin this past week, and after asking around, have noticed that not a whole lot of AR fans have read the book. So, I thought I'd give it a little publicity for the week and feature it here. The pic is the cover of Violin and there's a short description of the book below.
Violin is the story of a ghost who learned to play the violin under the guidence of Beethoven and Pagnini. With his death from his human life, he took his violin into the world of the undead and it brought with it a magical ability. The cover art is from Saint Sebastian by Guido Reni.


Just a little New Years cheer. Once again, I hope you all have a great and safe holiday! Happy New Years!


This is a Christmas card sent to me by one of the site's fanartists,Vampire KT, and to show my appreciation, I'm putting it up for the week to say "Merry Christmas" from this site to anyone and everyone who happens to stumble across it. Have a great and safe holiday, everyone! And thankyou KT for the cute card! Click the pic to go to KT's gallery and see the whole card.


I row out to the electric tower
and tie up. Night and the lake are one.
In the slip the boats
bump the nailed tires.
The small clear loneliness is mine.
Again I ache to slide from my body.
he lures lie naked in the tackle box.
I envy them. Above me the tower to which I am tied
is “singing.” I slip over the edge of the boat
into the cold water and wait
for one of the gods to take me by the hair
and pull my body off me like a nightgown.

Here lies what is left of me,
The rest is mystery.

Ignore thyself."

~Poetry and Painting by Stan Rice~

This is a section of the poem The Fishing, from Body of Work, by Stan Rice (1983).


"..I saw two bottles of red wine, already uncorked.. 'My, but this wine is strong! Is it wine?'..I felt the floors moving beneath me."~A little teaser from BlackWood Farm. The wine above, however is actually a real wine made by (and distributed from) Vampire Feel free to swing by and check out their Vampire Wine (and red Vampire Vodka!), accessories, and other stuff.


"Also, he found himself unable to forget the dead baby, or the dead fetus more properly speaking... And now he saw this curious thing which no one else around him mentioned: did not the cinematic monsters of this time bear a resemblance to the children being aborted every day in the nation's clinics?" ~thoughts from Michael Curry, The Witching Hour~


The Queen


This week's awesome pic comes from another of the site's own fanartists, Shinigami Kat. You can email her at:, and view her other art by clicking on her name. Click on the picture to go straight to the fanartist's gallery and see the full-sized original version of the picture (trust me, there's a LOT more than the thumb above, it was just too huge to post here).

This particular pic is of the Vampire Armand.


" had all been true and she had failed to stop it, and now it had reached out though the great tangled mass of whispered secrets and threats and it had killed her."~exerpt on Gifford Mayfair's death from Lasher~


I found this pic at, as a postcard and thought that the site, as well as the pic, could do w/ some recognition. It's a great site, so slide thru if you have some time, and the movie is worth your time, too, if you should see it the next time you're at the video store and havn't seen it yet.


This week's pic is the logo of Lestat's Coffee House of California. Go ahead and have a look. It's a pretty cool place. You can also find a banner/link for it on the Links page.


"I have no human nature."


It's an actual resteraunt w/ a vampire theme. Isn't is just the coolest place?! Notice the beautiful drapes and the coffin/candlebra. I would love to get the chance to eat there.


"And like a child, she kindled the very flame that burnt her to death." ~Deborah commenting on her mother's fatal mistakes as a witch~


This pic comes from the Interview with the Vampire Manga book. Art By Uboh Shinohara.

To give credit where it is due, I owe finding this pic to Bane Huntress' Site: Bane Huntress' Anime/Manga Male Harem. If you'd like to see more from the official Manga please go to Bane's page, she has done a great job of posting lots of the full pages of art from the manga. Not to mention that Bane, herself, has great art of her own based on the VCs, worth checking out (along w/ the rest of her site).


"A laser beam. Deadly and delicate he seemed. His victims had always loved him." (a description of Louis)

This was done by one of the site's own fan-artists, WhiteMist. You can view her other works and find her contact information in her fanart gallery.


"I can't help being a gorgeous fiend. It's just the card I drew".~Lestat~

This was done by Ulerica, one of the site's own fanartists.


"Why have you called me, Louis?" it asked with heartbreaking sincerity. "Why have you roused me from my wandering sleep for your own consolation? Why wasn't memory enough?" ~The ghost of Claudia to Louis~(from Merrick)


Katherine Mayfair. Considered the weakest of the 13 Mayfair witches, she refused the love and service of the "family ghost" and anything to do with her special abilities for the love of her husband, who was tragically taken from her. This pic was done by one of this site's own fan-artists, MsJekYll. You can view her gallery in the Fan Art section, and there you'll find a link to her home page.

August 18, 2002-August 25, 2002

The following was taken from an interview with Stuart Townsend, talking about his role as Lestat (above) and how he felt about taking over the role that was origionally played by Tom Cruise. (couldn't help it, just loved the line!) You can find the entire interview here, at theQueen of the Damned Movie Cast Site.

"..and for me it was not about Tom Cruise. It was never about Tom Cruise; it was about Anne Rice."~Stuart Townsend~