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The following is a link to 15 Anne Rice related quizzes from Fun Trivia: The Trivia Portal. These quizzes are listed under Anne Rice's category and are rated by level of difficulty.Quizzes based on the works of Anne Rice

Ok, finally getting some updates on these quizzes. This quizz was found at the Anne Rice Site(not the official site). There are a few quizzes listed in the Quizzes section, however only this quiz is still up and available. This quiz is based on many different books by Anne including the VCs, Witching Hour Trilogy, Violin and more. So, if you haven't read all of her books (or at least more than the VCs) you'll probably have difficulty taking this quiz. It has some fairly original questions, however, so I would recommend it to any die hard AR fan.

Next, there is the Anne Rice "Vampire Chronicles" Trivia from This quiz is fairly easy for any VC reader.

This quizz isn't strictly Anne Rice material, but there is Vampire Chronicle stuff in there, and even some ties to 'The Mummy'. Most of it is based on a lot of general vampire facts from movies and books, so if you just love all of the vampires from literature and film/television, try your luck w/ the Suck up some fun facts!

Here's another vampire quiz based on more than just Anne Rice's work (but again, with her's included):The Vampire Athenaeum Quiz This is from the Vampire Athenaeum: Book reviews and citations site.

This page only has one Anne Rice question, listed as Q3 (question 3). It's based on one of Anne's previous pseudonyms, however if you play any of these quizzes and are into collecting points, the question itself is worth quite a few since most people get this one wrong: Trivia Quiz

You can find 7 quizzes based on Anne Rice's works (and AR, herself) here, brought to you from Quizzila-The Online Quiz Thing. The quizzes here are listed as "Which Anne Rice character are you?"; "Which Anne Rice vampire are you most like?"; "What Anne Rice Character Are you ?"; "Which Anne Rice Vampire Are You?"; "Are you Obsessed with Anne Rice?"; "Are you Obsessed with Anne Rice?"; "Which of Anne Rice's Vampires would you fall in love with?"

Here is a quiz called Which Anne Rice Vampire Are You? Pretty self explanatory, huh?

Hopefully there will be more links for AR related quizzes added very soon. If you know the locations of any quizzes having to do w/ the Vampire Chronicles, The Lives of the Mayfair Witches, or any other publication by Anne Rice, please don't hesitate to contact me and let me know. I'd like to extend this section to include all the AR quizzes out there since they can been scattered across the web, and hard to find.