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Witching Hour Trilogy to become a 12 Hour Series

In her most recent phone message (July 19, 02) Anne stated the latest news on the plan to make her famous 'Witching Hour' trilogy into a series.

"Oh, let me tell you about THE WITCHING HOUR. You've been asking me alot about that one. THE WITCHING HOUR is going to be a primetime series on NBC. It will be 12 hours. It's being written by John Wilder, who did a fabulous job adapting FEAST OF ALL SAINTS. We have a whole team...Mark Wolper is the producer, John Wilder is the writer, I'm a producer, my beloved Ross is a producer Jennifer O'Conner, our contact person at NBC, is simply wonderful. We've had our first meeting down here in New Orleans, we're hoping to shoot in New Orleans. John is a very faithful adapter. He understands your feelings and mine. He's a very faithful adapter. It's going to be a wonderful adventure. If we shoot early next year, I don't know if we'll be Fall 2003; I don't know, I'm not sure, but it could be Fall 2003, it could actually be. It could actually come out in the fall. Twelve hours on t.v. in primetime on NBC and then of course it will probably have a life in dvd, also. But twelve hours for the three books of THE WITCHING HOUR. I guess they are already thinking about who they want to cast. I mean this is a wonderful experience."

I've looked on the NBC site, and so far, cannot find anything pertaining to the new project, however, it's obviously still in the early stages of developement, and it's seldom that much information is ever given until the last minute when it comes to tv/movies like this. Personally, I can't wait to find out as much as possible on the subject. The witch books are my favorites of Anne's work.

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