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From the very beginning the Talamasca has been observing the people who possess paranormal abilities - e.g. witches, wizards, seers of spirits, clairvoyants, mediums, etc. In the Middle Ages, during the witchcraft persecutions, the order took great efforts to save these people from stake. Thus the order arranged a so-called "underground railroad" which secretly took many accused persons to the more enlightened Amsterdam. Now and then the order offers membership to the persons of extremely strong abilities. The order's activities have spread worldwide. The members make records of the paranormal, from poltergeist to reincarnation. The Vaults of the Talamasca contain immense treasures. However, it is only full members that have admittance to the records which were the Talamasca's original goal. They contain extensive information on preternatural creatures, blood drinkers, who are most commonly called vampires. Due to the fact that such data is dispelled and hard to verify, the records are continuously revised.

The Talamasca, meaning "Animal Mask" from the Latin, are a secret society, set up, as their calling card says, to watch the paranormal in action. The name Talamasca was also an old term to describe a witch or a shamen. Their basements are filled with records of phenomena such as Witches, Spirits, Werewolves and of course Vampires. Welcoming people with paranormal powers to visit them, occasionally they become aware of individuals with particularly strong powers, these people are investigated and offered a place with their group, but are not obliged to accept the position, though almost invariably they will.

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the Vaults of the Talamasca

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