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The Storybook

Here there are some stories written by us and also those that occurred in our town.In addition to that you can also find some really good reccomendations of horror novels by some really good Authors.....ENJOY!!


This story takes us to a lonely & isolated part of England--Krensilla. Once a part of a large Empire, owned by the rich Krensil family, during which time it was a flourishing capital, this is now a small town not very developed & with a small population. It is one of the few remaining towns where everyone knows everyone else. It is an isolated region clinging to the old beliefs and superstitions.

In this old town live six friends, who are to become famous as 'The Spooky Six'. They are --Grace Gibson & Aania Anderson who are also cousins & the pranksters of the group, always up to some mischief or other. Racheal Robinson, who is hyperactive, ever energetic, ever enthusiastic. Hazel Hoffman, who is the innocent, sweet kid, easily duped & decieved by what someone says. Debbie(Debbs) Dobson, who is the spy, good at ferreting out information from everyone. And lastly, Kate Kipling, who is very knowledgeable & full of facts.

Easily the brightest children in the town, they have seven friendly rivals. They are the boys who call themselves 'The Super Seven' & whom our six Spooks affectionately call 'The Stupid Seven'. There is a lot of healthy competition between these two groups. These seven include -- Tim Smith, Paul Murray, Eric Wiseman, Joey Jackson, Lee Brandon, Sean Young & Matthew(Matt) Dobson, who is also Debbie's twin & who spies on the Spooky Six & passes information to the Super Seven.

We'll now follow these friends as their thirst for adventure & the Unknown leads them into scary, strange & hair-raising mysteries!!

Case#1- The Burnt Mansion.