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Employers' Section

We offer two distinct services for employers, both (almost) guaranteed to get a great teacher for that vacant position. You may:

1. Post an ad (see the rates posted below);

2. If you are located in Taiwan, we personally assist you in finding an instructor (see our Recruitment page). Either way, our rates are more than competitive!

Rates for posting your "Position Vacant" ad with Sine English Services (Listed in American funds)

1. Three weeks (the fourth week FREE): $45.00
2. Six weeks (the seventh and eighth week FREE): $110
3. One-year flat rate (great for recruiters): $1500
(Please note that all payments should be in American funds ONLY.
In addition, we do NOT accept payments by credit card. Instead, we ask that you remit your payment by bank draft to the account listed below. This way, extra fees can be avoided).

Once your ad has been sent and payment received, your ad will be placed with Sine English Services.

Type Your Position Available Ad Here!

Your FULL company name:
Your email address/contact information: (e.g.:

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