This award came to me by surprise from Bonnie
at "On The Wings of Angels". It is so special,
it almost made me cry! Thanks so much, Bonnie!

On Sept 16,this very special award was made
for my site!Marlene at "Polynesian Angel"
created this.Her site is exceptionally lovely!
Visit her!


Featured song is "Angel Standing By"
This is an award that means a great deal to me!
Thanks, Connie at Angelwinks!
This is my most recent award for outstanding angelic site.Thanks so much,Angells!

This award of excellence came to me on Mother's Day!
What a gift! Thank you,Lisa.Visit her beautiful site.

This award has a very special meaning to
me because it was my very first award!
Recieved from Barbara on April8,2000,when my site
was new.I'm forever grateful!

This award was recieved on May 26 from Little
Stars Big World,which is an amazing site to see!
With beautiful awards,too! Thanks,Tine!
This comes from Starla's.Thanks so much!

This is from Lory,a very dear
person who lost her extensive and beautiful webtv site to
hackers.While she continues with he restoration process,
she cared enough to send this gorgeous award!
What a true angel!

These awards were presented to
me by Angela on July 5. Visit her elegant angel site called
"My World Of Angels" by clicking the awards.
In June,I recieved this award from"Angels in the Sky",
after visiting her wonderful site and signing her
guest book she awarded mine!

The above award comes from Shannon's Home Page
and I'm honored to be viewed as "flawless"!
This award is from a very special person,Lori.You MUST visit her site! It meant everything to me
that Lori listed me with her winners.Sincere thanks,Lori! It is uplifting!

Amber at Ambersmiles sent me this on August 25,
I had to include her comment:"HI,I"M AMBER-MICHELLE.
I LOVE IT SO MUCH." Thank you! Please visit her site
for poetry of her own~very good stuff!

On August 27, I recieved this beautiful
personalized award from Katia.Visit her site,it's quite a gem !
Please feel welcome to wander the paths... Thanks for being my guest here!

MORE AWARDS Wing and a prayer Heavenly Midis My Poems Original Graphics "Cherub's Way"