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(NOTICE: This site is once again under de-re-pre-post-construction, in other words, i dunno what ima do with it, Philosophy, poetry and lyrics WILL be kept, pretty much all thats still in the menu remains, and ill add stuff too, so please dont be mad when links dont work, or when pages are empty. Ooops, i just realised i havent written in all the entrys of the midi files so u can only hear one song at the moment, ill fix that soon! Enjoy anyway!)

Hey there! And welcome to my site.

This site is not being created and maintained for any other reason than the joy i get out of the creativity involved. I find its just one more way that i can express myself. coming here...if you like it, hate it or whatever, what matters is i had alot of fun creating it, and i hope you have fun visiting it =)

NEW!! Check below for any new updates to my site! (Date in New Zealand time zone:P )

Also...Id just like to give *Hugs* to all my friends in life, and all my friends online. Each and every one of you are important to me, and i appreciate having you all in my life...Thank you all for all you've done for me, Thank you!

Last 5 UPDATES to my site:

  • Saturday 21st June 2003 - Once again my site is undergoing further renovations, though this time im mastering my website from beaautiful Vienna, Austria! There will be pages covering Wien pics, and also pics from the many live acts ive seen since ive been here! Also ill be deleting some old pages, and making some new this space...
  • Thursday 11th July 2002 - WOW! Well, this was a VERY important update, as the appearence and navigation of my site have changed! Thanks to the ever awesome ways of JavaScript, i was able to use this COOOOL menu system, which is WAY fancier than my old one, which you can see (if you really want to!) by clicking here . Also, there are about eight pages that havent been started, but decided to put on here when i got the menu. They include all of the indevidual Pumpkins member pages, Zwan page, my music page, poetry page and contacts page...that just gives you something to come back for though! ;)
  • Monday 7th July 2002 - (hehe) The Billy button has changed to "Pumkins" button, as im toying with the idea of giving a page to both Billy (just on him) and also a page that follows up on his new band Zwan. Just have to wait and see what transpires =)
  • Saturday 6th July 2002 - Pretty much finished with the Phoenix page, though im sure ill change it sooner or later, adding pics etc.
  • Saturday July 6th 2002 - Eeek! Ive been updating the philosphy page little by little as I write it up but havent been mentioning it on my updates! =0! So far Ive entered the mind, heart, and body sections of that page, with the soul, percpetion and life & happiness still to come =)