Alanaria of the Lanodonii

by Ayla2000

Alanaria was excited; She was pregnant, and her maybe would come soon,
according to the Medicine Man. She had only recently gotten a mate, too; A
man named Donotonlan. She loved him very much.
She wondered who the one responsible for the baby was; She suopposed it was
Donoton, but she had only shared his hearth for a little while. Perhaps it
was Inos; He was her sibling, though. She did not beleive that Dinka, the
Earth Mother, would do that.
Alanaria also wondered if the child was male or female; She secretly hoped
for a girl, though a boy would bring more respect; A boy could become a good
hunter. He could even become leader. A girl, on the other hand, could not;
The best she could be is a clay-maker, or a clothes-maker, if not just simply
someone's mate. There would nto be a whole lot of status.
Alanria knew what the name of the baby would be; Donotonlan if a boy for
his father; A girls name was not yet figured out.
Alanria suddenly felt a burst of pain while she was cooking. It came from
her stomach; She realized what was gonig on.
Her baby was being born.
Inos raised her to the cave; Saralitana, his mate, and their 5- year old
son, Josephnolon, followed. Donotonlan was hunting.
The process went on; Alanrria pushed, screamed, and finally, Inos pulled out
a screaming infant. It was a girl, and she looekd healthy.
Alanria's eys teard up as her daughter gave her first cry. She cried very
loud, too; So loud that all of the Lanodonii came running towards the
birthing cave, fearing soemthing was wrong. They all ooed and awwed the Baby.
"What is her name?" Joeshenolon asked.
The woman did not hesitate. "Alagria." She said. "Meaning "Brave huntress."
to be continued

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