New Home, Old Past

By Ayla2000

This is a continuation of an old story that I did a few months ago, ALANRIA OF THE LANODONII or
something. Well,its about 15 years later or something. However, I beleive I said Alanria had died; I am
pretending Ayla's Mother only SUPPOSEDLY died.

Alanria sighed as she came to the Cave of the Mamutoi. She needed a new home badly. Her old one wasn't
very good. For 15 years, her family had traveled like Flatheads were said to. She had been with the
Herebats, but she knew Alagria wasn't dead, despite what others said. She had been seen swimming, and
probably drowned.
Of course, Alanria had gone hunting. She had fallen when the Earth rumbled, and finally had hobbled on her
injured ankle to see that her Mate and her child and so many others had.. gone.
But Alagria couldn't have died; Alanria was sure Alagria had escaped. So now Alanria was searching to see
if anyone knew where she was.
Alanria spotted a dark-skinned man. She gasped; His skin was a bit darker than the Herebats, and their
skin was dark!
The man walked towards Alanria.. Alanria was glad she knew Mamutoi. Of course, they didn't know of her.
Alanria said, "Hello, I am Alanria of the Lanodonii. Who are you?"
Ranec gasped a bit at the name "Alanria." It sounded like "Ayla!" And the Woman looked like Ayla as well;
She had long, blond hair, and gray-blue eyes..
Ranec smiled. "I am Ranec of the Mamutoi. In the Mother's name, I greet you. What brings you here, and
how do you know our language?"
Alanria smiled. "A half-Mamutoi man lived with us and taught your language to us. Are you the leader of
the tribe?"
Ranec shook his head. "That's Talut; Would you like to speak with him?"
"Hello, there!" A voice boomed. Alanria saw a tall man standing there. "I am Talut, leader of the Mamutoi.
What briings you here?"
Meanwhile, other people had gatghered nearby. A girl said, "Nezzie, that woman looks like Ayla- an older
"Hush, Latie." Nezzie said kindly.
Alanria said, "I am looking for my daughter, who I lost nearly 15 years ago to an Earthquake."
Ranec felt a chill go down his spine, though he couldn't quite figure out how.
Talut said, "Well, sit down. Perhaps we could help you."
All the Mamutoi gathered by a fire. Talut said, "Alanria, begin please."
Alanria cleared her throat. "Well, a long time ago, I had a mate and a little girl, Alagria." For some reason,
some people's faces seemed to grow pale. "Well, we had to go when the ice grew, and we ended up in a
valley when there was an Earthquake. I had been out hunting, but I fell when the Earth shook. I heard
Alagria call for me, but by the time I got up, I couldn't find her." Alanria fought back tears. "Our lean-to
and the people in it was drestroyed. Only 3 other people, sadly not including my dear ones, lived or were
able to journey on. But although they told be Alagria had probably drowned, my girl survived everything!
She once survived a snake's venom- an Earthquake tremor could not have hurt her... I suppose it could,
but Alagria was a survivor.."
Nezzie said, "Describe Alagria."
Alanria said. "She had long, blond hair- very blonde hair, actually, grey-blue eyes, a cute smile, and she
was five years old."
A girl, whom Alanria thought had heard being addressed as Latie, murmered
"A-lagria.. AYLA!"
Alanria frowned. "Ayla? That wasnt her nickname.."
"The Flatheads couldn't say it right." Ranec explained. "Even I got confused wether it was A-la or Ay-la..."
"The Flatheads, they adopted her, but she called the Clan.." Nezzie said.Alanria said, "STOP!"
Everyone stared. Alanria said, "So, you mean to tell me that, a), you somehow knew my daughter, and b),
she was raised by Flatheads?" Everyone nodded.
"Well, we think that's what she-" Talut began, but an old man stopped him. He looked at Alanria. "I am a
Mamut." He said."And I know that Ayla is your daughter. I dreamt it was so."
Alanria's eyes filled with tears. "My baby.... oh, Mamut, tell me, is she alive?"
Mamut said, "If all went well, she should be in the Ninth Cave of the Zelandonii,which is quite a journey
from here. However, Ayla, as she is now called, needs you. She is very likely soon to be pregnant, and
needs your help."
So Alanaria's journey began.
Many months later..
Alanria walked onto a cliff. As she went down, she spotted a cave, and some hearths. Then she gasped.
Walking up towards her, was a Wolf!

Alanria stared at the Wolf in terror. But the Wolf didn't jump on her or try and bite her; It merely sniffed
her. However, Alanria took a step back, and fell down the cliff!
Ayla heard an ear-peircing scream. She ran and found a woman sitting on the ground, clutching her leg.
She was mumbling words that sounded somewhat familliar. Ayla ran to the Woman. "Are you okay?" Ayla
Alanria stared into the eyes of a Woman. The woman would have be around Alagria's age, Alanria mused.
She said, "My leg is broken." When the girl stared, she tried again in Mamutoi. The girl's eyebrows shot
up."You are Mamutoi! In the name of the Mother, I am Ayla of the Mamutoi. Welcome to the Ninth Cave of
the Zelandonii."
Alanria gasped. Her daughter! This dear girl was her daughter! But how could Alanria explain?
Ayla said, "Do you think you can walk?"
Alanria managed to get up, but her leg hurt. Ayla looked at it and said, "It isn't broken, but it may be
injured. Please come into my cave."
Ayla helped Alanria into the cave. Alanria looked around. She saw a man with blonde hair.
"Jondalar, this is.." Ayla realized that she had not asked the Woman's name. She looekd at the woman.
"Who are you?"
The woman said, "I am Alanria, honey. Of the Lanodonii."
Ayla smiled. "Hello. Where do your people live?"
Alanria was surprised. Did her own child not remember her? "We lived near the Sungea, but further North.
But then it started getting too icy, so we had to take shelter soemwhere else, and then an Earthquake
killed many of our people.
Ayla suddenly had a weird vision; A lean-to, water... Ayla shuddered. "I can relate. My people died in an
earthquake as well."
Alanria raised her eyebrows. "Can you remember anything about these people?"
Ayla shook her head. "I try, but whenever I do try, I get a nauseous pain of fear. But for now, I must get
the Zelandoni."
Ayla ran out of the cave. Alanria's eyes filled with tears. Her daughter must have lost her memory. How
could she get her child to remember again?

The blonde man sat next to Alanria. "I am Jondalar." He said. "What brings you here?"
Alanria said, "I am traveling.. looking for a loved one I was told had left me forever. But could you please
tell me, Jondalar... how did you come to know Ayla?"
Jondalar cleared his throat. "It is her story to tell. But do you really wish to hear it?"
Alanria nodded. "And I can't ask Alag- I mean, Ayla, becuase.. just because."
Jondalar hesitated. This would be hard to explain. "Ayla went to seek her own people, the ones she was
born with. She stayed in a Valley, and found me and my brother Thonolan in a cave, attacked by a Lion. I
lived, but Thonolan... he didn't make it. He died before Ayla could save him. I taught Ayla my language, as
well as Mamutoi, and after awhile we went to live with them. Then after a year, we traveled back here."
Jondalar sighed.
Alanria's eyes misted over. "Do you know anything about Ayla's people earlier?"
"I can explain." Alanria looekd up. Ayla and an older woman were there. While the Zelandoni examined
Alanria's leg, Ayla told a story that was familiar.
"I dont remember much, as I mentioned earlier; But I remember walking in a forest, feeling sick and thirsty,
seeing a huge lying, being attacked.. and that is it. BUt I do have a vision of my mtoher." Ayla said.
Alanria gasped. "What does she look like?"
Ayla closed her eyes, trying to rembmer. "She has blonde hair, very long. Her eyes are blue, and she is
quite tall. She is young, around the age I am now, perhaps older, more close to the age of Jondalar." Ayla
opened her eyes. "Actually, she looks like you, Alanria."
Alanria nodded. "Ayla, who did you live with before?"
The Zelandoni looked up, hopnig ALanria would not freak at the answer. When Ayla had first told them, it
had been hard to accept; Marthona had gone on about her son "mating an abdomination's mother" and
Marona had gone green. Luckily, thongs had calmed down, and Marthona was beginning to like Ayla. But
Zelandoni sensed in her heart that Ayla needed to be able to trust Alanria, and vice versa.
Ayla said, "I was raised by The Clan.. you call them flatheads."
Alanria went pale. But she looked at Ayla in the eye and said, "They raised you well. They took care of you
when I could not."
Ayla said, "What do you mean?"
Alanria said, "Ayla, can I see your shoulder."
Ayla crigned. She had a birthmark there. But she showed the woman her birthmark. Alanria smiled.
"It is you, Alagira. You're alive."
Ayla stared at Alanria. She was now in tears. Ayla stared. The woman looked more and more familliar. Then
it all came back; The traveling, the Valley..
Ayla said, "Mother? Oh, Mother!" Ayla and Alanria embraced. The two Woman were reunited at lnog last.
(I wanted to finish, but I'm crying now).

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