What If ....?

By Eve-Jennifer

Ok, this is my new story. I like doing stories that are 'alternate universe' tyes. Ok, well, what if, instead of being found by the Clan, Ayla was found by the Lion Camp. But, I'mnot going to start it from when she was a little girl; I'm gonna start from when Ayla is a little older. Also, let's just say that she was on the mainland,not the peninsula, ok?

Ok, well here we go. We start when Thonolan and Jetamio decide to mate.
Jondalar turned to face his brother. "Alright, well...see ya in a few moons",he said as he swung his back frame over his shoulders. He gave Thonolan a quick hug, and started down the hill. He traveled for a few days, past the end of the Great Mother River. Suddenly, he came upon a large earthlodge;several people were outside, talking and working. "Hello!", he called in Mamutoi. "Can you please tell me where I am?"
A big, red haired man turned around and started toward the tall blonde man. "Hello", he answered. "I am Talut, headman of the Lion Camp of the Mamutoi. Who are you?"He extended his hands in a friendly gesture.
"I am Jondalar of the Zelondonii", Jondalar answered, taking Talut's hands.
"In the name of Mut, the mother of all, you are welcome in our home, Jondalar of the Zelondonii. Please, come inside and rest", the big headman said, leading the visitor into the earthlodge.
"Well, Talut, what have you brought home now?', a woman, tiny in comparison to the man asked.
"Jondalar of the Zelondonii, this is my mate, Nezzie of the Lion Camp of the Mamutoi."
"Hello, Jondalar, and welcome to our home", Nezzie replied.
"Mother? Have you seen Derez", a young voice asked, slightly panicky. Jondalar's eyes took on an appreciative gleam when he saw a beautiful young woman come into the lodge. "Who's your friend, Talut?", she asked, looking shyly at Jondalar.
"Jondalar of the Zelondonii, this is Ayla of the Lion Camp of the Mautoi, the first daughter of my hearth."
"I greet you, Jondalar of the Zleondonii", Ayla said. After Jondalar returned the greeting, Ayla turned back to Nezzie.
"I think he's playing with Tasher and Crisavec in the Mammoth Hearth", Nezzie answered. Giving Jondalar a quick smile, Ayla turned and set off looking for Derez.

Jondalar watched as a little boy, hardly more than 1 year old sat on the floor, being entertained by two boys about 6 and 4 years old. The boy who looked to be the older of the two was shaking a rattle at the baby, while the younger one was sitting behind the baby, supporting him from behind. The tall, blond man turned back to pulling his gear from his backframe, when he suddenly heard the cry of a baby, and then Ayla's voice. He turned around just in time to see the tall young woman-'Hardly more than a girl', he thought-scoop up the baby in coo at him in a quiet voice until he finally quieted down. Jondalar wondered if he was Ayla's brother or son, he resembled Ayla much more than Nezzie, with his big blue-gray eyes and tufts of light-blonde hair.
"Oh, Derez,what's the matter?", Ayla asked, looking at her son(In the Clan, his name is Durc, in the Mamutoi, his name is Derez) with affection and concern. When he nuzzled towards her breasts in reply, or so it seemed, she smiled and sat down on a bed platform to nurse. When the baby had finished, she got up and headed for the Lion Hearth. "Now, Derez, we need to get you cleaned up for the feast tonight;you want to look nice for our visitor, don't you?", she asked her son. She noticed Jondalar sitting on the bed platform, sorting through a pile of clothes, and went over. "So", she said as she sat down opposite him, and looking at him with a beautiful smile that made Jondalar's breath catch in his throat. "I've never heard of your people. Where do they live?"
"A few days' travel from the Great Waters of the West", Jondalar answered, and Ayla nodded and smiled that gorgious smile again. Noticing the baby boy again, he said, "So, is this your little brother?"
Ayla glanced down at the baby sitting in her lap, watching the stranger. "No, actually, this is my son, Derez. Say 'Hello, Jondalar of the Zelondonii, and welcome to the Lion Camp of the Mamutoi', Derez."When the boy didn't say anything, she picked him up, and holding him up in front of her face, said, in a baby voice, "Welcome, Jondalar of the Zelondonii. I am Derez of the Lion Hearth of the Lion Camp of the Mamutoi, and I welcome you to our home." Jondalar smiled and chuckled at the funny seen the beautiful woman created. He smiled at her, and Ayla cold see the invitation in his eyes, and responded. Derez shifted his weight in his mother's lap, drawing her attention back to the child in her lap. She stood up. "Well, I've got to go get Derez cleaned up for the feast tonight;we always have a feast to welcome visitors", she said, picked up the baby, and headed to the Lion Hearth.

In the summer, fall and winter that followed, Ayla and Jondalar grew to love each other and, as spring aproached, Jondalar thought about mating with the young woman, and one day, when they were on a walk alone, he brought the subject up. "Ayla", he said. "I was wondering...In the past 3 seasons, we have grown to love each other...at least I THINK we have. And, I was thinking that maybe you'd like to join with me."
Ayla turned and looked at the man she loved with shining eyes. "Oh, Jondalar!", she exclaimed, throwing her arms around his neck. "Of course I will!" She brought his head to her and kissed him, slowly and passionately.
He threw his arms around her waist, picked her up, and spun her around. "There's one more thing I want to ask you, though...Would you mind going on a Journey with me? I promised my brother Thonolan that I would come back for him later, and he must be getting anxious for me by now", Jondalar asked her.
"Of course I'll come wiht you, Jondalar!", Ayla exclaimed. "Only...can we take Derez with us?"
"Of course we can! He's your son, and you need to nurse him", Jondalar replied.
"Good", Ayla replied. "Now, you don't have o become Mamutoi if you don't want to; I understand you want to stay Jondalar of the Zelondonii, and I will stand behind you all the way", and with that, they headed back to Lion Camp to tell the others. When they got there, Ayla saw Nezzie and Talut outside with several other people, playing a game and working hides. "Mother!", she called out. "Mother! Talut! Guess what!"
Nezzie turned around to Ayla's grinning face. "What's the matter, Ayla? What's wrong?"
"Guess what?! Jondalar and I are joining!!", the young woman exclaimed.
"Oh, Ayla that's wonderful!", Talut exclaimed, throwing an arm around Ayla and embracing her;she hugged him back.
Ayla spotted Derez sitting close to the entrance of the earthlodge, playing with Tasher and Crisavec. She ran up and scooped the baby up. "Guess what, Derez?! Jondalar and I are joining!", then giving Tasher and Crisavec a hug each-that's the way she usually greeted people she knew well-she took Derez inside. "I'm sorry, boys, but I think Derez is coming down with a cold, and I don't want it to get worse;you can play with him when he gets better, alright?", she said to Tasher and his brother before she disapeared inside.

Jondalar was watching Derez while Ayla got ready for the ceremony;they were to be mated later that day, and he was looking forward to that night. 'I wonder who's spirit child you are', he thought as he watched the little boy sleep. 'It doesn't really matter, though. Besides, he looks so much like Ayla, I don't think she even knows who's spirit started you.'
Suddenly, Talut appeared with Deegie. "Come on, Jondalar. It's time", the big, red-haired man said. The blond man got up and followed him nervously while the young woman scooped up the baby and followed the two men. The sight of Ayla in her mating tunic, with her breasts exposed in the Mamutoi style, took his breath away. He smiled, his eyes betraying his desire, then moved into place next to her and facing Mamut.
The old man went through the mating vows quickly, and, when he finally pronounced them mates, Jondalar took Ayla in his arms, and gave her a fierce, passionate kiss;she replied with, if anything, more enthusiasm, and a feast quickly began. Hours later, well into the night, the young couple was finally allowed to retreat to Jondalar's bed at the Mammoth Hearth, where they would be able to have some privacy. Jondalar sat down cross-legged on the bed, and held his hand out to Ayla; she took it, and sat down in his lap. She wrapped her arms around his neck, leaned forward, and gave him a long, hard, passionate kiss; he ran his hands down her back, then worked them under her tunic and felt her breasts under his hands. She ran her hands down his back, too, and then started working his drawing-string loose, while he did the same to her. Still locked in the fierce kiss, he gently pushed her back, and moved to cover her, then stopped and took a deep breath. "I'm sorry, Ayla. I just needed to catch my breath", Jondalar said, looking down at her, love, desire, and adoration evident in his eyes. Ayla smiled and nodded, then reached up to kiss him again.
The next morning, Ayla and Jondalar hoisted their backframes on, Ayla tied a large leather hide around her waist and put Derez in it. After she had given everyone a hug and a kiss, and bursting into tears when she hugged Deegie, who was her best friend in the world, she and Jondalar turned and started south.

They traveled for about a month before they arrived in the area of the group of Sharamudoi where Thonolan and Jondalar had separated. "Look, Ayla, we're here!", Jondalar exclaimed;they quickly sped up their pace, and before they knew it,they reached the clearing where the cave was located. A large number of people were outside;adults working on projects, children playing. A young man looked up from where he was sitting with a young woman who was holding a baby in her lap. "Jondalar!", the young man excalimed as he jumped up and headed for them. "Jondalar you came back! Hey, everyone! Jondalar's back!" Suddenly he noticed Ayla. "And he's brought a woman with him!", he added as he reached them and embraced Jondalar in a tight shot. "Jondalar, it's so good to see you again! I've missed you!!"
"It's good to see you again, Thonolan!", Jondalar said. "There's someone I'd like you to meet. Thonolan of the Sharamudoi, this is Ayla of the Mamutoi-well, Ayla of the Zelondonii, now. Ayla, this is my brother, Thonolan."
"What do you mean, Ayla of the Zelondonii?", Thonolan asked.
"She's Zelondonii through mating-we were mated a moon ago", Jondalar exclaimed.
Thonolan nodded and smiled at Ayla. "In the name of Mud, I welcome you to the home of the Sharamudoi, Ayla of the Mamutoi."
"In the name of Mut, I greet you, Thonolan of the Sharamudoi", Ayla replied.
"Thonolan, there is one more person I want you to meet. Thonolan of the Sharamudoi, this is Derez of the Mamutoi. Derez of the Mamutoi, this is my brother, Thonolan of the Sharamudoi."
Thonolan looked at the baby in Ayla's arms. "Hello, Derez of the Mamutoi, and welcome to the home of the Sharamudoi." Derez just smiled shyly at the young man. "Well", Thonolan said,"let's get you guys settled. You must be tired from all that traveling." He led the two travelers to his hut, and settled them in.

Serenio watched as Ayla, Jondalar, and Derez sat down next to Thonolan, Jetamio, and Jetamio's 2-moon old son, Terano. 'How dare he bring that woman here, when he knew that I loved him!!', she thought angrily. 'Well, no matter. I will make her sorry she ever agreed to mate with Jondalar, and I'll make him sorry he ever left. Yes...She will be very sorry...I will make sure of that!!' As the group began to eat, a plan began to form in her mind. Suddenly, she noticed the look of adoration on Darvo's face as he watched Ayla. 'This could get difficult', she thought.
Serenio silently crept into the shelter that Ayla, Jondalar, and Derez were sharing with Thonolan, Jetamio, and Terano. She had stayed up until she had been fairly sure that the two family were sound asleep before she made her move. Carefully walking over to the little woven basket she had seen Ayla put Derez in, she leaned over and stroked his head, then slipped her hands under the baby and picked him up. As soon as she got to the edge of the clearing and into the forest, she took the little boy to a spot she hadchosen, which was close to her shelter, but not so close that if he hould start to cry, people would easily hear him. And, best of all, as soon as Darvo was a man and mated, she could take Derez, and find a group of people who had never heard of either her or Derez, and she would finally have her vengence on both Ayla and Jondalar. Deep down, sh knew Ayla was not to blame, but she wasn't about to admit it.
Ayla got up, and, crawling over Jondalar, went over to the little basket she had made for her son just before he had been born. Leaning over, she looked in, screamed and burst into tears. Jondalar was up and at her side in an instant;Thonolan and Jetamio were right behind him. "Ayla, Ayla! What's wrong? What's the matter?", he asked, pressing her to him in a fierce hug.
She put her arms around hiswaist and buried her face in his chest. "Oh, Jondalar!", she cried, tears streaming down her face. "He's gone!!
"What are you talking about, Ayla? Who's gone?", Thonolan asked, concern for his brother's mate evident in both his eyes and his voice.
"Derez! My baby, my son, he's gone!!!", she exclamied.
Jetamio's face paled, and she rushed to the little basket Terano slept in; she relaxed slightly when she saw that her own son was still asleep, safe and sound. Not wanting to take any cances, she picked him up, holding him close to her chest. When she came back over to the bed platform Ayla and Jondalar were using, she found Thonolan, Jondalar, and Ayla were sitting on it. Jondalar was holding Ayla in his lap, letting her cry, and rocking her like he would rock a fussing baby. "Ayla, I promise you: we'll find your son", Thonolan said. Although he had only known the son of Jondalar's hearth for one day, he already loved and cared about the boy. Getting up, he reached for his clothes, and, handing Jetamio hers, said, "Get dressed, everyone; I'll go make some tea, and then I'll get Dolondo and Carlono. Jondalar, see if Ayla can get her clothes on;if she can't, do it for her."
"I'm a big girl, Thonolan; I can put my own clothes on", Ayla said through her tears, then picked up her clothes off the floor and pulled them on, then sat on the bed, leaning her chin against her knees, and rocking back and forth, while Jondalar pulled his own clothes on, Jetamio went into hers and Thonolan's part of the shelter, and Thonolan started the tea boiling. After they had all had some tea, and Jeatmio had fed Terano, Thonolan got up and headed for the shelter Dolondo and his mate Roshario shared with Carlono, in the winter time, at least.
"Dolondo, we have a big problem. Ayla's son Derez was stolen last night, adn I think we should organize a search party to find him", Thonolan said when Dolondo pushed the leather screen away and let him in.
"Are you serious? Of course we have to find him!", Dolondo exclaimed.
"Alright. Now, I don't know if any of you have heard of this yet, but Ayla's son Derez was stolen last night, and we are going to try to find him and give him back to his mother", Dolondo said.
"If anybody here knows where the child is, or even has an idea where he is, please, speak up now. If we find the child before someone tells us where he is or might be, the child-thief will be brought in front of the Council of Mothers", Carlono added.
"Now, if anybody wants to tell me or Carlono where Derez is, please, do so either now, or later, if you wish to do so privately", Dolondo added, then stepped off the large rock he and Carlono had been standing on, and headed for his shelter.
Serenio headed for her shelter, thinking. 'Should I tell Dolondo and Carlono where the baby is?', she wondered. 'Yes', she suddenly decided. 'Yes, and I'll do so right now.' Turning around, she headed for Dolondo's shelter. "I know where he is", she said quietly when Dolondo let her in. "I know where Ayla's baby is."
"Come on. Come, show me where he is", he answered, then followed her out of the shelter with Carlono right behind him. As soon as he saw the baby lying in in the bush, crying in his tiny voice for his mother, he immideatly scooped Derez up, and headed for Thonolan and Jetamio's shelter. "I will speak with you later, Serenio", he added over his shoulder. "Jondalar! Ayla! We've got him!", He called out, hurrying into the shelter without even bothering to knock.
Ayla ran up to him. "Oh, Dolondo! Thank you so much!", she exclaimed, taking her son from the leader's arms, then sat down on the bed to let the hungry child nurse.

A few days later, Jondalar, Ayla, Thonlan, Jetamio, Derez, and Terano, left the Sharamudoi. Jondalar and Ayla had been able to convince Thonolan and Jetamio to coem with them, and everyone was happy. Jondalar and Thonolan were happy because they were reunited and going home;Ayla and Jetamio were happy because they had someone to help take care of the other's child; Derez and Terano were happy because they had each aquired a new playmate. They traveled slowly, trying to make it easy on the women, with the two men carrying the children in the evenings, so that the mothers could have a small rest. Almost a full year later, they reached the land of the Ninth Cave of the Zelondonii.
"Mother! Mother, come quick!! Jondalar and Thonolan are home!! And they've brought friends!!"
The two young men looked up to see a young woman running down to meet them. Thonolan picked her up and swung her around. "Oh, Folara! it's so good to see you again!! I've missed you!! Come, come, Jondalar and I have some people we would like you to meet. Folara of the Zelondonii, this is my mate, Jetamio of the Sharamudoi, and her son, Terano."
"In the name of Donii, the mother of all, I welcome you, Jetamio of the Sharamudoi", Folara said, extening her hadns to the visitor.
Taking Folara's hands, Jetamio said, "In the name of Mudo, the mother of all, I thank you, Folara of the Zelondonii."
Then, Jondalar stepped forward. "Folara of the Zelondonii, this is my mate, Ayla of the Mamutoi, and her son Derez," he said.
Folara took the young woman's hands and repeated the greeting just as an agin couple ran up to them.
"Jondalar? Thonolan? Oh, my sons, is it really you?" the woman asked, throwing herself into their arms.
The two men hugged their mother affectionately. "Yes,Marthona. It's us," Thonolan replied. "Come. We would like you to meet your new knot-daughters. "Marthona of the Zelondonii, this is my mate, Jetamio of the Sharamudoi and her son Terano."
When Marthona had welcomed her, Jondalar said, "And this is my mate, Ayla of the Mamutoi, and her son Derez." Marthona welcomed her as well.
"Well", she finally said, looking with pride at her two sons. "Why don't we come inside. You must be tired, and I have a feeling Ayla and Jetamio are going to get tired of making introductions pretty soon." The, she led the band of tired travelers into the cave.

!!!!!THE END!!!!!

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