My Story

By sazmcd

Zelandoni rested her hand on Ayla’s shoulder and looked hard into her eyes. "Are you sure you want to do this, Ayla, when you know how dangerous it is?" Ayla looked down at her hands, then looked up "I must. This will be the last time I use the sacred root, and I cannot waste it. That’s what Iza taught me, it was too sacred even to be made for practice" then Ayla’s thoughts turned inwards, thinking of Iza and Creb.

Iza would be so glad she found a mate, she thought. Jondalar, who she loved more than she thought possible to love anyone. He walked in the next world now, gored in a hunting accident. Then she thought of Iza, and the son she had left behind, and tears filled her eyes.

The other woman studied her intently, felt that she was thinking about her son with the ‘Clan’ as she called them. Besides, she thought, I would like to see how this root is used. It’s quite amazing that the flatheads would be able to use something like this, she thought, remembering what Ayla has told her about the ceremony. The flatheads could only go where they had been, not to anywhere new like the rest of her kind could.

"Ayla?" Zelandoni asked, jolting her out of her thoughts. "Yes?" "Well, shouldn’t we start the ceremony?" Zelandoni asked.

"Yes, yes...let me think. I will purify myself the way Iza taught me. You should too, to make the ceremony

exactly in the way of the Clan" Ayla replied, bowing her head.

Zelandoni thought for a moment. She and Ayla had spent a lot of time together since the death of Jonadalar, learning the ways of the spirits. She found Ayla’s experiences fascinating, and she was glad Ayla had decided to use the root. She and Ayla were among the very few people on Earth who new how to prepare the plant, and the magic within it.

Ayla sat up and walked out of the dwelling she shared with the other woman, towards the river, and Zelandoni watched her go, wondering how important this woman really was. And she was an interesting paradox. She had one of the most gifted minds she had seen in her many years of dealing with the spirits, yet she had a deformed son. Lately, she had been meditating on the subject. She knew about the killings that were being carried out by most peoples, they wanted the Clan out of their World.

Once before, when she and Ayla had shared her version of the hallucinogenic plant which allowed the two women to travel to the spirit world, and they had called the spirits of the Clan. She knew that within a few

thousand years the Clan would be dead. They had both agreed on that. And didn’t Ayla say her Zelandon, her man of the spirits had known?

Enough, she thought, I better go and prepare.

****** Ayla smiled as the other woman joined her, and she poured her a cup of herbal tea, chamomile and hyssop, to both relax and stimulate the women ready for the ceremony.

"So, we are both agreed on where we are going to try to go, Ayla?" Zelandoni asked "to the Clan of your son?"

Ayla just nodded and felt a cold chill go through her. Perhaps she could even try and find Jondalar’s spirit on the way. But she wouldn’t tell Zelandoni that. Jondalar was still a sore subject between the women. But, Ayla now controlled the place with her powerful mind. Yes, she thought, I will try. But, first, Durc.

Ayla took of her wrap and stood naked, with the sacred lines painted on her body in the way of the Clan. She began to chew the root, brittle with age, and after a short while she spat the pulp into a plain, Clan-style bowl. She swirled the white liquid with her finger. Strong, she thought, good.

Zelandoni watched her with interest. She had counselled Ayla when she had told her about seeing the Mog-ur’s in the cave. She thought that Ayla was led there, and told her so. She also said that the experience of her mind must have been interesting for Creb, and Ayla didn’t feel so guilty about it now.

"Are you ready?" Ayla asked the woman.

Zelandoni nodded and watched Ayla take a large mouthful, then she herself took a swallow.

Ayla felt herself travelling at an incredible speed. Land flashed before her eyes. Yes, she thought, there was the Great Mother River. Then she recognised the Beran Sea and saw the small peninsula on which her Clan lived. To her surprise, she saw herself, as a young woman, after the earthquake which had killed Creb had finished. She looked toward the figure of Brun, who was gesturing something. She strained to make the words out. "Ayla should have been the son of my mate" she saw him say, and she realized just how much that meant to her. She saw Uba, clutching Durc to her breast, with Vorn beside her, she heard Durc wail her name as she walked out of view over the ridge.

Seconds later, the landscape changed, to lush vegetation and she realised the Clan were travelling. She wondered, hadn’t they found a cave yet? It’s obviously a few years after I left the Clan, she thought. Moments later, she heard a keening wail—the sign that someone in the Clan had died. For a second she wondered if it was Durc, but she looked for who it was coming from. It was coming from Oga. Ebra had her arm around the woman, trying to comfort her, but she didn’t grieve with her. Strange, Ayla thought, usually all the women joined in with the grieving. She looked around for Brun….he was there, looking much older than how she remembered him.

Then she looked for her son, and saw him sitting by Uba. Vorn wasn’t with her, all the young hunters were on a hunting foray. It was late Summer, and the Clan knew they had to prepare for a possible Winter of Travelling, looking for a new cave.

Suddenly, she noticed who was missing. Broud. Suddenly, the rest of the picture began to fit together. Looking at the rest of the people, they looked haggard and worn. Thin, she thought. These had been years of hardship, living with Broud’s unpredictable temper. They never had enough to eat, or rested long enough. No more babies had been born whilst they were travelling, she noticed.

Goov had stayed with the rest of the people, he wanted to talk to Brun. He sat at Brun’s feet, and started to talk "The man who was leader is now dead. Brac is injured and cannot hunt, he could not lead our Clan now". Brun nodded, agreeing. Goov took a deep breath and continued. "I would like to select Brac as my acolyte, he cannot hunt, but he can start to assist me with the ceremonies and learn the way of the spirits". Again, Brun nodded. That will be good for the boy, he thought. He will still have high status, no disgrace because he cannot hunt.

For the first time in years, Brun thought of Creb, his brother. He was born deformed, and couldn’t hunt, but was the most powerful Mog-ur the Clan had ever had. It is a shame Creb walks in the next world, he thought. I miss him. The Clan has not been the same without Iza, the old medicine woman, and Creb, the Mog-ur who trained Goov. Or Ayla, he admitted to himself. She was a skilled medicine woman, and became a good Clan woman later on.

Goov carried on "Durc could be leader", he said, and went on hurriedly " The boy is a skilled hunter and would make a fair leader. Strong- willed, but not cruel", Goov finished.

Brun thought for a moment. Why not, he thought. I will train him until he is old enough to take the position of leader. I wonder, though, how long will I stay in this world?

"Yes, the Mog-ur has a good point. I will train Durc and make him leader when he is old enough" Brun said, "I will announce it soon. Without the son-of-my-mate around, it will make things a lot easier. And I have to think what to do with Oga" Goov nodded happily, and left hurriedly to tell Uba. Ayla was stunned. My son is to be the leader? Durc? she thought incredulously Time moved on and Ayla saw the Clan two years later, settled in a Cave, near a small stream. They found a Cave, Ayla thought. I am so glad. She saw Brun come out of the Cave , and make an announcement. " The Mog-ur has informed me that the Clan gathering is nearly upon us. After we return, I will, as you are aware, turn the leadership over to Durc, son of Uba. By then he will be mated to Ura, the mate promised to him"


At dawn the next day, Brun’s Clan assembled according to status. Uba was first in the women’s line, and Ebra was too ill and tired to risk attempting the long journey to the Clan gathering. The rest of the clan were relatively young and would all be able to make the journey. This will be my last Clan gathering, Brun thought. Then, I will turn the leadership over to Durc, and Vorn can still be second-in-command, that should please him.

Earlier in the year, Brun had sent Vorn to visit the cave of the clan which hosted the Clan gathering the last time, to inform them of the change in the location of their Cave. It was decided that the same Clan would host the Gathering again.

At Brun’s signal, the Clan started to move and everyone discovered their own pace. For a whole moon they had been travelling now, and everyone was tired, especially Brun.

****** As they neared the host Clan’s Cave, he suddenly realised something was wrong. Badly wrong, he thought. People’s belongings were scattered everywhere, and the Cave was deathly quiet. Brun signalled his best hunters forward, who gripped their spears tightly and advanced towards the Cave slowly, warily.

Just as they were approaching the mouth of the Cave, the leader burst out, and ran to Brun.

"The leader would greet the leader of the first Clan", Norg said formally, then lapsed into the ordinary dialect of their Clan. "Brun, a terrible thing has happened. Two days ago, many Others came to our camp. They started to attack our men and women, and the rest of us fled into hiding. The rest are dead or sorely wounded. In the Spirit of Ursus, I would beg that you help us, my brother!"

Brun saw the grief in his eyes, and nodded. " I will do everything I can to help you, Norg. We have a first-ranked medicine woman of Iza’s line with us, and my hunters can help you to hunt and gather food for the Winter" he thought for a moment, and added "I am so sorry, Norg" The rest of the Clan watched with a feeling of horror as they realised what had happened. Durc, especially wondered for the fate of his promised mate. What had happened to Ura? Norg then ordered the remaining members of his Clan to assemble outside the Cave.

With relief, Durc noticed Ura. She was deformed, too. Brun’s eyes scanned the people. There was Oda, but her mate was missing. Two other women and three other men was all that remained of the two Clans which had been at Norg’s Cave. Then, Brun felt a surge of anger. How dare they attack us, he thought. We have done nothing wrong, we have left them alone! Ayla felt a great sadness and disappointment in her people as she saw what had happened. When will we learn? she thought.


"Spirit of Grey Wolf, totem of Durc, your sign has overcome Spirit of Ibex, totem of Ura. May Ursus allow that it will always be so" Goov signed, drawing Durc’s totem symbol over Ura’s, blurring the mark and showing his dominance. "Durc, do you accept this woman?" Goov asked

Durc tapped Ura’s shoulder, and Ura followed her new mate into the Cave, to begin the isolation period required before the couple were acknowledged by the rest of the Clan. Ura was beside herself with happiness as she looked at her mate, and she felt a surge of love, which was relatively unusual in the Clan– the women mated who they were told to.

"I was thinking, Ura, where will your mother live now her mate is gone?" Durc asked, and went on hurriedly, "I also thought that your mother could live with us, I will provide for her when I am leader" Ura bowed her head demurely, feeling another surge of happiness, Durc would be a considerate mate, she would be happy. Just think of mother, and how unhappy her mate made her. And with her new mate, destined to be leader! She closed her eyes and sent a plea to her totem, let him be happy with me.

****** "This man would great the leader", Durc signed, "Ura’s mother is a good Clan woman, she would benefit our Clan. But her mate walks in the world of the spirits, and I think it would please Ura if her mother was with to help her get settled" Brun nodded, shifting position slightly to show he was pleased. Durc turned to get up, but was stopped by Brun signing "your mother would be proud of you, you are a good man"

Durc was shocked– hadn’t Broud prohibited anyone from talking about his mother? But, he reasoned, Broud was in the world of the spirits, but it was still an unusual thing for Brun, the stoical, controlled man to say. "Durc", Brun called weakly, "You are now leader of this Clan. I wish you luck", Durc blanched as he saw Brun, the man he respected the most, signing his last words.


At Durc’s signal, the Clan fell into the proper hierarchy for travelling, with the men in front of the women. In the women’s line, Ura fell in behind Uba. Oda was near the back, she had never gained much status from her mate.

Ayla felt the sensation of time, moving forward very quickly and the land flashed before her eyes as before. She saw Durc, and Ura inside a Cave. A Cave! she thought.

She saw Uba coming towards Ura, and ached to reach out and touch her, the woman who had been her sister. Uba signed to Ura, "since I have not been able to bear children, I would appreciate it if I could train you in the healing herbs and ways of a medicine woman" she paused, "In honour of your mate’s mother, Ayla, my sister", she said, signing the words slowly, deliberately. The whole Cave had stopped to stare at the woman, but Uba looked defiantly back. She had loved Ayla. Ura nodded yes, words eluding her. Suddenly, tears filled her eyes. Ayla smiled, the Clan had been worried when she cried.


Ayla’s vision faded now, and she heard sounds– vague and indistinct. She heard a new-born infant squall, and the words of Goov "Ayla, this girl’s name is Ayla", then the vision faded altogether and she was back, in the hut she shared with Zelandoni.

"Ayla, that was the clearest Search I have ever been on. You control that place", Zelandoni said with finality.

Ayla nodded, and was joined by her daughter, Narona, and her older son, Relanar. "Mother!", Narona cried, "I thought you were not going to Search any more, you’re too sick!" Ayla smiled ,"Durc is the leader of the Clan, and who is the most experienced medicine woman here?" she asked. Then she beckoned for her children, and held them as she slipped into death.

The End

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