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Home Sweet Home
There's nothing like the aroma 
of camphor in the draws,
 sandalwood burning on a fire 
and freshly hewn boards.
And then of course there's the Lilac 
how it's fragrance fills the air  
and the Lilly of the Valley, 
again I am taken back there.
The pungent smell of the garden 
 as my skirt brushes by on it's leaves 
as I make my way to find comfort
under the big Oak Tree.
There as I sit in the garden 
taking in it's many delights 
I ponder on the question 
" What's for supper tonight ? "
Something rich and hearty, 
the boys enjoy a good stew 
served with home grown veggies
followed by a drop of the brew.
Memories  again softly stirring , 
emotions no longer denied as
 once again I am reminded
of another  life of mine.
This Poem is Copyright Protected © to amb Ann M Booth 2004 - 2019
All Rights Reserved