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The Third Person of The Trinity

It surprises me to learn that many
Christians today, do not know the
Holy Spirit. They do not know or
understand the Gifts of The
Holy Spirit yet, they say, I
don't want anything that has to
do with the gifts of the Holy
Spirit. Do they even know
the Father, or His Son, Jesus?
If they do, how can they reject,
His Holy Spirit?

Many say, "we do not want the gifts
of the Holy Spirit working in our
church!" They don't have to worry
about the gifts, or the Holy Spirit,
moving in their church. The Holy
Spirit does not go where He is not
welcome, He will not go where He
is not invited.

I wonder, about those who say, they want no part of the Holy Spirit. How can you be a Christian, and leave out the Holy Spirit? My Bible says, they all are a part of the Christian package, The Trinity, how can they be separated? The Father, Son and Holy Spirit, are One!

Why wouldn't a church, welcome the, Holy Spirit?
Could it be that they are afraid that the ones who support the church, would leave if His gifts were taught?   Could it be, that certain people would not be able to write their own little, 'programs', and the service would not go according to their, 'program,' if the Holy Spirit came in?

My goodness, man's schedules, and the service must be in order!   Each minute must be used as scheduled or, Ms So and So, could not sing her solo, or maybe a special announcement on the Ladies Luncheon would be left out!   And heaven forbid, if the service did not end at 12 noon, sharp, or a few minutes before, because we would lose, 'Our Special Table', at the restaurant!

So many churches today, have pew warmers, who have bought and paid for the pastor!   He either runs the church as those people on the board says, or he is replaced!

A preacher, or teacher who is on fire for God, is not assigned by the people! They are, and should be, anointed, and appointed by God, not man!

Far too many Pastors, and Ministers give, 'sugar coated sermons' that will not offend anyone! They compromise, not only God's Word, but their own teachings, and they have set themselves higher than they should, and placed their desires, ahead of God's Word!

And we end up with cold and dead churches, and God's people go away hungry for His Word! It's no wonder, so many Christians have left their church, and go from one church to another in search for, Truth. They know in their own spirit that something is missing! They are seeking for a shepherd, to teach them, God's Word, and one who will feed them!

How can we except Jesus ,as our Lord, and God, as our Father, and yet, slam shut the door on the, Holy Spirit?   We want God to forgive us, we want Jesus to save and intercede on our behave, but let's leave the Holy Spirit out of this, and we certainly do not want any part of, His gifts!
  How can that be?

  What happened to the Trinity?  God the Father, is okay, Jesus, is okay. But the, Third Person of the Trinity, is not welcome?

  Take all that He offers, only then can you walk where He has called you to walk. We can not, pick and choose, parts of the Bible, and take only what We like, and throw away the rest!   Either we receive all, or we live a lie!

We are so accustom to saying what we want, and when we want it, and many play games with God.   With God, we should give, our ALL, Mind, Body and Soul, and ask that God give us His ALL. Do not put limitations on God, or His gifts.

We think we can order, what we want from His Word and leave out other blessing He has for us. I ask each day that He fill me with His Word and I want ALL He has to offer and
I want my cup to over flow!

Too many Christians have God, His Son, and the Holy Spirit, in a box and think they call the shots, well, guess what, the Trinity, is NOT A Side Show, to entertain you, and to show up in the ways that we allow!

You, nor I can't say, we will take the gift of healing, but don't believe in, or want His other gifts.

We can not pick and choose, the part of Christianity we want. It is not, take two and leave the other One outside. If you do that, you are not receiving the fullness of Christ, that God has for you.

We do not choose to speak in tongues, that is one of the many gifts, given by His Holy Spirit, as He sees fit,   We do not have the gift of interpretation of tongues, only when we want that gift. That to, is given by His Holy Sprit when, and to who He sees fit. The gift of healing, is not given to someone because of some written test, they got an A+ on!

  Each and every, gift of the Holy Spirit is just that, A Gift, given by the Holy Spirit, and He is the Third Person of the Trinity!

If you have confessed Jesus as your Lord, and Savior, and believe that He died in your place on the cross, why would you not want the, "Promise" that Jesus spoke of when He said, in, John 16: 5-6
"But now I am going to him who sent Me; and none of you asks Me, 'Where are You going?" But because I have said these things to you, sorrow has filled your heart. (7) But I tell you the truth, it is to your advantage that I go away; for if I do not go away, the Helper shall not come to you, but if I go, I will send Him to you."

From verse 8-15, Jesus tells us of the Work of the Holy Spirit
(8) "And He, when He comes, will convict the world concerning sin, and righteousness, and judgment; (9) concerning sin, because they do not believe in Me; (10) and concerning righteousness, because I go to the Father, and you no longer behold Me; (11) and concerning judgment, because the ruler of the world has been judged. (12) I have many more things to say to you, but you cannot bear them now. (13) But when He, the Spirit of truth, comes, He will guide you into all the truth; for He will not speak on His own initiative, but whatever He hears, He will speak; and disclose to you what is to come. (14)He shall glorify Me, for He shall take of Mine, and shall disclose it to you. (15) All things that the Father has are Mine; therefore I said, that He takes of Mine, and will disclose it to you..."

There is much more in the sixteen chapter of John and you should read the entire book of John....there is so much there for the way we, who are believers and follows of Christ should know.   Did you know that Jesus prayed for you and I? Read Chapter 17 of John

Do not shut out, His Holy Spirit, He is here today, to lead you into all truth.


He (the Holy Spirit) came on the day of Pentecost, to remain with the church until it is complete and presented to the Lord Jesus at His coming. Just as Jesus Christ finished the work He came to do in the flesh; so the Holy Spirit will finish His work He came to do in the church

Taken from, The Open Bible
New American Standard


And He (the Holy Spirit) will finish His work in the church, yes, even if you believe in Him, or not!

Remember reading verse 12, above, where Jesus said, "I have many more things to say to you, but you cannot bear them now. (13) But when He, the Spirit of truth, comes, He will guide you into all the truth;..."
Answer this question for yourself, Do you think Jesus would tell us that about the "Helper" if the Helper didn't have anything to tell us? Do you wonder, what you are missing, by not seeking His Holy Spirit? Jesus, said that there were many more things He could say, but we could not bear them now. But when He, the Spirit of truth comes, He will guide you into all truth;

Don't you wonder, just a little, about what He, The Spirit of truth, has to say to God's people, today?


I hope, you will take it upon yourself to read and learn about the gifts of the Holy Spirit. And read about Him with an open heart, and with faith, just as you did when you ask Jesus to come in and be the Lord of your life, ask His Holy Spirit (by faith) to come and teach you and lead you into all truth.

Don't shut the door on Him, or kept Him out of, your daily walk, He is the, Third Person of The Trinity and comes with the, Father and His Son, Jesus.

Taken from, my prayer journal,
© Then Came The Light
by SJ Busby

Comments are always welcome

