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"Be Full Of Courage"

"Soon you will leave here...

You will go where My Spirit

There are many for you to see
and many to share My
message with

Tell all who will listen I love them
And I am with them always

Child, you have spent much time
with Me and you have listened and
learned well...

Teach that which I have shown you
Do that which you have seen
Me do and remember, do all that I
have shown you

You must follow My directions
for the ground work has been done,
do not become fearful but keep
alert and keep watch at all times.

For there are many worldly traps
set for My people

Hear Me....Follow My voice...

Rejoice and make ready for I will
come quickly!

Be full of courage I have lifted you
up to be one among many who will teach

You must not look upon the ways of the,br> world for they are not My ways and they
must not become your way.

Your eyes will see past the flesh and
into the hearts. You will see that
most have put up shields to protect
themselves from the pain of this world

That is the world's way...

To put up a guard between
that which hurts them or
against that which they do not
understand or approve of.

Many do not understand that
when they place walls around
their hearts that their hearts
become cold and hard

Do you not remember this?

They ask for truth but they
receive lies...

They seek true love and they receive
the false love of this world.
It comes from the very ones that say,
they care...

You hear the cries of those and
have asked Me, Lord, what can I do?
There must be something I can do!

My child the road will be long
and at times very hard and most of
the time very lonely

Many that now call you friend
will turn from you, but know
this My child, and listen well,
It is not you that they
reject it is My Word and truth
they run from, not you.

Know that I am with you every
step of the way...

Do not fear...

Walk with Me and I will
keep you from harm.
I know that you do not
understand all of this which
I have spoken of and shown
you but in time, in My time you will.

You will keep this in your
heart till I say it is time to
share it.

Trust and believe...

Do My will and you shall
have the desires of
your heart"

"Trust In Me"

"I am your God...

Is there anything I can not do?

Did I not open the waters that My people could pass through on dry land?

Why do you allow doubt to
enter into your heart?

I AM the same...

I do not change

Fear not...

I have prepared the way"

† Be Still And Listen †


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