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"Be Still And Listen"

Song Playing
~Humble Thyself~

"Lord, often I turn to You in prayer then walk
away not waiting to hear Your answer.

Please forgive me, Lord, I know that
You are the Potter and I'm the clay.
You desire to spend time with each
of Your children. You not only share
the answer to our prayers, You tell us
so much more that we need to hear.

Your joy is our strength

Not all understand, but those that do,
know that time spent with You will give
us the courage and strength needed to
face another day

Lord, You are more than able to deliver
us from all that comes against us

You have healed the broken hearted,
and opened blinded eyes...

Your truth has set us free!

Thank You, Lord for Your Grace and
Your unconditional love

This is only one of the first Scriptures that filled my heart with hope and helped build my faith...

Matthew 11:28-30

Jesus said,

"Come to Me,
all who are weary and heavy-laden,
and I will give you rest.
Take My yoke upon you,
and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart,
and you shall find rest for your souls
For My yoke is easy,
and My load is light."

When Jesus saved me, I went to a store and
bought a Bible, one I could read, and with the
help of His Holy Spirit I started learning about
this Man, JESUS wow saved me

In order for us to truly know a person,
we must spend time with them. Only then
can we say, I know this person!

Until we have spent enough time with someone
to get to know them we only know of them.

There is a big difference between knowing
someone, and knowing of them.

I had excepted Jesus as my personal Savior
and I knew He was the Son of God, but I
wanted to know the Person.

What did He do?

Who was the Man?

What did He like and dislike?

Did He laugh?

Did He cry?

Had He been hurt or abandoned?

Spending time in His Word, I
learned that Jesus cried, He laughed
and jumped for joy!

Family and friends had abandon Him
in His hour of need.

It took time to learn of the Man that
I now call my Lord

Each and everyday I learn more about Him

Because, I spend time with Him each day

Do you know that He wants to spend
time with you?

Do you know He loves you, so much the
gave His life that you could live?

Do you know of His unconditional
love for you?

He is my Lord, my Savior, my Friend
and He is the King of Kings!

I still use the same Bible. The pages
are tattered and I have written in it's

Yes, I write in my Bible

It has been my handbook and lifeline
for 15 years

I have made notes in my Bible and I
have underlined and highlighted the
Scriptures that have taken root in my
soul as they came to life within
my heart

When you see Scriptures quoted among
these pages they are taken from the
Bible I use today, The Open Bible,
New American Standard

So many times a preacher or one of
your friends will say, "Well, just
pray about it"

That always puzzled me...

I never knew how to pray...

Do you know how to pray? Sure there are
text book prayers and I am not against
them. I wanted to learn to talk to my
Lord, one to One.

I had been reading my Bible one day
and simply asked Him,
Jesus, what is prayer?

The anwser was simple. I heard in my heart,
"Talk with Me"

† Talk With Me †


† E-Mail †