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"Prayer Brings Me Close To You Lord"

Song Playing
I Believe

When the cares of the world become heavy I enter into prayer. I'm reminded of Your Word

"Come unto Me those who are weak
and heavy laden and I will give you rest."

Lord, through prayer I can enter into the place You have prepared for me. My place of rest is with You

Why do I wait so long to come to You?

I know You are in control and You care for me and all that pertains to me. I will remember that prayer takes me into Your place of peace and into Your Presence where I want to be...

Lord, I love You...

"Today You Shall Know"

"My child far too often you do
not see that which is right
in front of you...

Why is it you look in all
the wrong places?

Is it because it is not as
you envisioned?

There are many that would be
over joyed to see even part of
that which I show you...

I have chosen a place for you
where you will meet and share
My Word with people that you can
learn from

They are eager to share My Word
and have learned much in the past
three years

You have asked for good land
with a creek running through it
you shall have that
and so much more!

There will be much work to do
but you My child
will have the time you have ask Me for

I am doing a new work in you and
there will be many that will not
want you to continue your writing

Do not allow those to side track you

I have called you to hear My Spirit
and you will write as never before

I want you to write all that I
show you and all that I
tell you

There will be times when you sit down
to write a letter to one of your
friends and you will begin to
write what I am speaking to you...

Write that which I give you and
soon you will know the person
you are to pass it on to."


A couple years after this was written
I bought a place in Mississippi

It has 27 acres and an old
farm house that was built in 1940's
do you want to guess what runs
in the back of
the property?

Nope, not a creek...

"Little River"
Yes, a river!

God loves you and He speaks
to each of us every day...

Ask Him to open your spiritual hearing
that you may hear His still
small voice
Ask Him to open your
spiritual eyes that you
may see what He has to show you

His Word tells us...

In Matthew 7:7
"Ask and it shall be given to you;
Seek, and you shall find;
knock, and it shall be opened to you..."

Our Lord is faithful
He does not play hide and seek...

He wants a personal relationship
with His people

All He asks of us is to...


Then ask with the faith of a child
and your request will
be answered...

Shirley Busby

† Here I am Lord, Send Me †

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