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Song Playing:
~Peace In The Valley~

"I Hear The Cry For Peace"

"I hear the cries of the people

They cry for peace yet they seek for
peace in man

Man can not give the peace they
seek. I sent My Son and He spoke
to you saying...

"Peace I leave with you;
My peace I give to you;
not as the world gives
do I give to you
Let not your heart be troubled
nor let it be fearful."

Many have chosen to follow man and
taken Me out of the land, out of the
schools and out of their homes.

Many have robbed Me and turned away
and returned to that which I had set
them free of, yes some have returned
to their old ways.

Many seek to kill My prophets and refuse
to hear My word. Yet they seek out one
that will tell them what they wish to hear.

They seek that which makes them feel good.

Yes, I have allowed that which has
come upon My own and they have come
running back to Me asking forgiveness
and they received My forgiveness

Yet, what they have sown they shall reap.

I can not change that...

When you sow corn, you reap, corn.
If you sow hate, then hate is what
you shall reap

There are many things which will come
upon this land and those that refuse
to repent and turn away from their evil
works will be struck down

I will see that My people are not the
tail but the head, they shall overcome...

Those that seek to destroy My people shall
be snared in their own traps

Those that call on Me shall be saved
and will be warned by My prophets of
the things about to happen on this earth

There will be a cry so loud that even the
most evil shall hear and tremble!

There will be a shaking as never
before known by man

Many will call on Me and will seek out
My people, and cry with a loud
voice for mercy

I have already begun to gather many of,
My people and have spoken to them.
Even though they are countries apart
they will begin to move and speak as one,
for they will be told of that which is to
come. Already they being gathered as a
mighty army. My Holy Spirit speaks and
My children are ready to go when I
give the word

Little one, I have spoken to you and
told you of these things, you must
tell others. Do not place this in a
drawer for you are not the only one
I have spoken to. No longer will I
will I speak and you only write.

The time has come for you to speak
out, even in the market place, tell
the ones that I will send to you.

You have worshiped Me and sang songs of
praise unto Me and I know your love for
lost souls. I have seen you weep for
those that will not seek Me and for
the ones that have turned from Me

Fear not My child, I am releasing
that which you have ask for,
now is the time, and you have the
boldness that you prayed for.

Put away the things that are not of

Watch and pray...

Be on guard...

See with the eyes that I have opened...

Hear with the ears that I opened...

You will know the way to go, hear Me.

Keep your eyes upon Me, for there is
one coming that will speak the things
that many want to hear.

That one knows My word but beware, and
remember all that I have taught you

Study My Word daily and know that I will
reveal that one, before they lead My people

I watch over My people with the eyes
of a mother protecting her little ones
and I will not leave them wondering in
the wilderness

I have you in the palm of My hand
and no harm shall come to you

Remember, study My Word and learn of
Me, only then will you know that it is
My voice you hear andI AM the One that
shall return very soon."

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