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Song Playing:
Love Lifted Me

Jesus Saves Peter...

"Little one, I AM here

Did you not ask Me to save you?

Then why do you fear?

I have forgiven you and you must receive My forgiveness in faith

And why do you worry about others?

You can not control the actions of what they say and do...

Either they believe or they do not

It is between that person and Me

You can only tell them the message that I give you...

Then the rest is up to the individual

Lift up your eyes...

Look upon that which I have given you

Keep your eyes upon the goal...

Be at peace My child and fear not...

For I am with My people always...

Read My Word and know that you never walk alone...

Reach out your hand, I am here with you!

I search the hearts of My people as they give Me praise and worship...

Think on these things for truly I am near"

Taken from the Journal of
Shirley Busby

"Then Came The Light"

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