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"Here I Am Lord
Send Me"

Song Playing:
As The Deer

"Many times you come to Me saying,"Here I am Lord,
send me."

I tell you, "I have heard your cry
and you will be sent forth because you believe
My Word

as you once did before I healed you.

There are those that desire a closer
walk with Me, a deeper walk with Me

Remind them of the power I have given
to all who believe in Me, tell them of
the authority they have in My Name.
I have sealed you in My Love and and
given you peace, I have watched you
seek My truth and you have grown
in My Word daily. There will be those
that are sick with disease, they will
have much fear. Do not fear them, child.
Remind My people of the power of My Word.
Touch those that are diseased and tell
them, I have sent you to tell them of Me.
Do not pull back in fear at what you see
or hear...

I am with you, even those that are violent
will not harm you. Those who are oppressed
will be set free and healed as they believe
in Me. They will receive peace and joy for
their faith will make them whole.

Many times child, you have heard My words
yet you only listened, you have not step out
to do all that I have spoken to you.
It is time to do that which I have
called you to do. There is much to
do before I return and many whom
I have called remain by the wayside

Act on what you have heard, for My
work will be done. It was spoken at
the beginning of time and it shall
be fulfilled. You will see many new
ones sent into this body of believers,
and there are those that fear.

I say, Fear not for I am with you.

Times ahead will be hard, so keep
your eyes upon Me, and I will be with
you always. You are Mine and I
am your God, I change not!

The depth of My Love for My children
is far more than you can understand
nor can you explain how much I love
those that call upon My name.

Come, drink from My well and be filled
with living water. Walk with Me and I
will lead you to places that you have
never known. Give Me that which
burdens you. I have given you peace,
do not worry or allow doubt to enter
into your heart...

Now rest in Me I will come quickly and the time for going forth in My name is...


I Also Suffered

Often My people come to Me crying over the cares of this world, do they not know that, I have sent the promise of My Father to them? My Holy Spirit kneels beside each one that prays, have they not known He was there?

He was sent to comfort, teach and provide you with peace and to lead all into truth

How I long to gather each of you in My arms and hold you as I wipe away your fear and all the tears from your eyes, and the erase the pain within your hearts

I too suffered great pain and the tears as well, as rejection.

Do you believe in Me? Then know in your heart I will not leave you. Know that as you turn to Me with uplifted hearts, and faith, I hear you and I hear the silent tears of your soul

Believe when you sit down...

I sit down with you...

As you walk...

I walk with you...

Believe when you face persecution you do not face it alone. I stand beside you and I will give you the words to say. It is I who gave you the peace within

Many ask Me, What can we do?

And I say you need only to believe and know that I am worthy of your praise and worship

To know Me...

Learn of Me...

Learn of My ways...

And you will find the true meaning of My unconditional Love...


Peace and...

Everlasting Life

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