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Jesus Is Lord

Song Playing:
His Eye Is
On THe Sparrow

"Listen, do you hear the birds? They worship Me in songs early in the morning as they gather food and prepare their nest.
Do they have any need?

I hear your prayers, do not be ashamed of Me for I am your God.

Praise Me with hands lifted high, praying always in the spirit and with understanding

Child, the pain, sorrow, doubt and fears do not come from Me.

I have touched you and filled your life with peace and still you doubt Me...

My power has touched you

I am your God, the one that set you free...

Where can you go that I can not see you?

Where can you hide that I can't find you?

You have been called and you shall return to Me.

Talk with Me...

Abide with Me for truly I Am the One who cares
for you."

Inspired by His Holy Spirit...

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