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Pen and Paper

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~El Shaddai~

On July 27 1986, I was reading my Bible and as I said my prayers I heard the same voice that had told me to find a church back in November 1985...

The voice said...

"Write down what you hear in your heart"

I wrote it down...

Over the next few days I continued to study my Bible and saying my prayers and did not hear the voice again until the following month...

It was on Aug. 5 1986 after my prayer time and I wrote down what I heard the voice saying...

"Do not judge others and
you will not be judged"

In Matthew 7:1 we read what Jesus said about judging others...

"Do not judge lest you be judged..."

I realize many will read the next few pages my journal,"Then Came The Light" and not understand or believe that I heard His Holy Spirit speak to me...

Believe me, I did not fully understand it or believe it and to this day I still dont understand it all.

When I followed His voice in November 1985, I was not led to do something that hurt me. I know, beyond a shadow of doubt, IF I had not listened and followed His voice, I would not be here today sharing all that God has done in my life since that day. God is Love, He leads you into truth

It did not take many days of reading the Bible for me to learn just what Jesus thought of me...

Do you realize just how much He loves you?

He loves you unconditionally, just as you are right now.
I know that is hard to believe, but it is true.

I always said I would go to God when I got cleaned up!

Isn't that what you have said too? Well, guess what, He wants you just like you are right now and He will do the cleaning up!

We think it is our clothes, or our hair, or maybe the way we run our mouth, but after you meet Jesus, suddenly you find yourself being silent and holding your tongue more.

Jesus works from the inside out, not the outside in...

Sometimes He will tell you things about yourself that you would rather not hear, but you know it is the truth, and for Him to say anything to you about a certain area in your life, it is not to cause embarrassment to you, or to hurt you. He brings it up to do one of two things...

Set you free from it's hold on you...

Or to heal the pain within your heart

He wants you FREE from all that is holding you captive!

It is always for your good that He opens all the secert doors to your heart...

There isn't anything that stays hidden from our Father, what we hide from Him, He sees and knows our most inner thoughts. And when there is a door that you have kept locked from Him, it doesn't keep Him from knowing about it.
What it does is it breaks down the communication between you and Him, and none of us want that. So, let Him in and He will set you FREE

He only wants to bring you peace, and love and closer to Him. And isn't that what we all search for?

Just trust Him, He will never fail you or leave you once you invite Him into your life

When you study your Bible you are learning of His ways and He never changes. He remains the same...

Yesterday, Today and Forever

In John 10:27 Jesus said...

"My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me..."

I know God speaks to us and what He does for one He will do for another

If He was not speaking to His people why would He say...

"My sheep hear My voice?

Think about this for a minute...

When you talk with someone everyday on the phone do you have to ask who it is when you answer the phone and hear their voice? You know their voice, right?

When you spend time in His Word then you will know His voice when He speaks to you

As time passed I realized that I had an important journal, one I could go back and read and learn from. And maybe others would enjoy reading it.

When I was set free from the addiction to prescription drugs and alcohol one of the first Fruit of the Spirit I received was Peace...

Beautiful Peace! I had never known true peace. I thought it could be found in a pill or a bottle.

All this world offers is a false peace, and many false hopes and shattered dreams.

But peace that surpasses all understanding comes from One Person...

And His name is, Jesus

I have seen His peace at work. Right in the middle of a storm in my own life, I have whispered the same words that Jesus spoke when He calmed the storm at sea...

"Peace, be still"

His word works, everyone around you can be in total confusion, you will be at peace.

Once you invite Him into your life you are never alone. You never have to face anything alone again, He is right there with you. God's Word did not come to bind you, God sent His Word to set you free!

His Word is, Truth, and His Truth will set you Free!

No matter what it is that you are facing, you can be at peace in the storm!

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